Skin Care News: Biopelle Retriderm Serum Max

Have you seen the latest issue of Allure magazine with Kate Moss on the cover? One of our favorite products was recommended by a fellow doctor – Biopelle Retriderm Serum Max.  Do you use any type of Retinol product? Most…

Treating Acne at Any Age

For many teens, acne is a plaguing issue that can hinder their confidence about starting a new year. As we get older, we assume acne will go away, but for many adults, it only continues. At my practice, my focus…

What Could Be Causing Your Digestive Issues?

Houston, where I live, is a hot spot for food. We have such a variety available-from Tex Mex to Barbecue, Cuban to New American, Vietnamese to Soul Food. For many years we even boasted more restaurants per square mile than New…

Shrink Your Waistline with Coolsculpting

You’ve dieted and exercised and done all that you know to do…yet you still have excess fat around your waist that refuses go away. Does this sound like you? Here in my practice, we have been performing the Coolsculpting treatment…

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