What is Fotona EyeLase?

The Fotona Eyelase is a safe and effective treatment that utilizes two lasers in unique modes and settings to accomplish results similar to fillers and other tightening devices but without the extraneous formulas or extensive downtime.

How Does It Work?

Ultimately, the Fotona Eyelase stimulates the collagen in the conjunctiva tissue. In doing so this treatment has a high success rate in producing a positive change in eye bags and wrinkles non-surgically. It helps reduce and eliminate bagginess and creasing under the eyes. Crows feet are treated as well as all the wrinkles and crepiness around the eye.

Before and After Photos

What Can I Expect In Terms Of Recovery?

Patients may not be required to set aside any downtime following their appointment. You may return to work and resume your schedule normally once you leave our office!

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Usually only one treatment produces noticeable results, but our skin specialists recommend of series of 2-3 treatments at 3-4 weeks apart (depending on severity).


For more personalized information about Fotona Eyelase, please request your consultation, or call us at 281-609-4439.

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