In Exercise, Health, Weight Loss, Wellness

Everyone has an off-day when they just can’t bring themselves to work out. However, sometimes an off-day turns into multiple days of excuses and procrastination. When you get into a workout slump it can be hard to get back into a routine. The following 5 tips will help you to avoid this pitfall and get back in the game.

  1. Get Your Workout Clothes On:

    If you can take this first step towards your daily workout it will make a huge difference in how you feel. When it comes to your workout clothes…go bold! Bright colors and cool designs can help you feel faster, stronger, and ready for action. Besides, you’d feel silly if you didn’t follow through after getting dressed.

  2. Listen to Music:

    Music is powerful! It has the ability to tap into emotions, including motivation. Start listening to whatever music gets you motivated before you even start your workout to get your pumped up for your workout. Then continue listening to music during your workout.

  3. Workout with a Friend:

    Working out with a friend can greatly increase your eagerness to train. By having a partner you also have someone else to be accountable to. Set a scheduled time to work out with your friend. Not only will you be less likely to cancel but you’ll also enjoy the camaraderie.

  4. Use Technology:

    There are so many fitness devices on the market today. If you are running, try a GPS watch, or a GPS app on your phone. By tracking your distance and pace you will be more motivated as you see your improvement over time. You can also wear a fitness device like a Nike fuel band or a Fitbit. Keeping track of your efforts and seeing progress is always a big motivator. Many of these devices have social media applications so your friends can give you motivation and accountability.

  5. Reward Yourself:

    Set weekly or monthly goals, and choose a reward for yourself when you reach these goals. We always work more diligently and consistently when we have a goal in sight. Goals can be anything from a “forbidden food” to a mini shopping spree. Keep your goals realistic and frequent to keep things fresh and exciting.

    I hope these tips can in some way help you to maintain and active healthy lifestyle. Are there other ways that you keep motivated to workout? I’d love to hear from you…

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