How Does Fiber Help you Detox?

Toxins tend to stick to the colon and intestines while the other stuff moves out. The buildup of these toxins can have many negative effects on the body. It can stop nutrients from being absorbed, cause weight gain, and lead…

Work Out…Don’t Burn Out!

Getting The Right Mix It is important to make sure that you do both cardio & resistance workouts. If you focus solely on aerobic workouts you run the risk of negatively impacting your weight loss goals. Instead, try mixing it…

MSG: Many Names…Same Danger

Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer that’s known widely as an addition to Chinese food, but it is actually added to thousands of the foods you eat everyday. MSG is used by food manufacturers as a very effective way…

10 Natural Libido Boosting Foods

If you are looking for a natural way to add a little boost to your sex drive, consider adding a few key foods into your diet to boost your libido and help get you back in the mood. Foods that…

Which is Better, Juicing or Blending?

Have you ever wondered if there is a difference in the health benefits between juicing and blending? If you are looking to start doing one of these two healthy options, wouldn’t it be nice to know which is more beneficial…

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