January is Thyroid Awareness Month and rightfully so: the thyroid is such a critical part of your overall health it deserves an entire month to be recognized. With more than 25 million adults in the US suffering from low thyroid…
Now I know you’re probably reading this thinking…”Hair, skin, orgasms…what!?” And I don’t blame you. First, I know it can seem to be a bit of a racey topic, but it shouldn’t be. Just like we discuss our hair and…
Of all the major illnesses and diseases in the world, there is one that has become one of the biggest health issues in the 21st century and is causing millions to become chronically ill. Lyme Disease. Yes, that disease we…
Hypothyroidism affects more than 40% of the human population. That’s nearly half of the world! Many are deeming hypothyroidism to be an epidemic as the incidence of those with this thyroid disorder is increasing year after year. While hypothyroidism may…
The winter months can really get the best of us. They zap your energy, take a toll on your immune system, cause feelings of stress and sometimes even depression, and can even leave us feeling achy at times. The good…
My last and final day of the 12 Days of Wellness is all about focusing your energy. This may seem like something so trivial but during this time of gratitude and giving, I challenge you to focus on what’s really…