Did you begin to experience seasonal allergies later in life, especially after having children? As adults, women tend to be more vulnerable to allergies than men, and in many cases, hormones may be to blame. There are actually allergic genes that can be activated by hormonal changes and cause women to begin to experience an increased sensitivity to existing allergies, or to develop new allergies that never existed before!

Why do we get allergies?

To understand how hormones affect allergies, you first need a basic understanding of what allergies are. Allergies occur when a person’s immune system overreacts to a harmless substance and considers it to be a threat to the body. The immune system then produces an antibody called an IgE antibody, which signals the body to release histamine. Most of us are aware of the effects of histamine on our bodies, such as itching, sneezing, runny nose, and rashes.

So how exactly do hormones affect allergies?

You may already be aware of the condition called Estrogen Dominance, if not then I suggest you read this post on estrogen dominance first. Estrogen causes an increase in histamine production, while progesterone promotes something called myelination, which is one of the ways the body breaks down histamine. Therefore, in cases of unopposed estrogen, the body will actually produce more histamine than normal and cause more severe allergic reactions.

There have been several studies showing the effects of estrogen on histamine production. One such study observed an increase in the reaction of skin prick tests during times of elevated plasma estrogen levels. Another study observed that when anaphylaxis was induced in rats, that the female rats experienced more severe reactions. They found that the estrogen levels in the female rats were the cause of this increased allergic response.

What are the solutions to hormone-induced allergies?

Many people use antihistamines to manage their allergy symptoms. However, this is only masking the symptoms and is not addressing the underlying cause. By obtaining an optimal balance between the hormones estrogen and progesterone you can greatly reduce the amount of histamine in the body. Once the histamine levels are reduced most of our patients begin to have greatly reduced reactions to allergies. At Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa we use hormones that are biologically identical to what your body produces to safely and effectively optimize your hormones.

What about treating allergies that are NOT hormone related?

Did you begin to experience seasonal allergies later in life, especially after having children, during perimenopause, or after menopause? As adults, women tend to be more vulnerable to allergies than men, and in many cases, hormones may be to blame. There are actually allergic genes that can be activated by hormonal changes and cause women to begin to experience an increased sensitivity to existing allergies, or to develop new allergies that never existed before!

At the Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa, we treat allergies with under-the-tongue drops…that’s right, no shots. This type of allergy treatment is called Sublingual Immunotherapy. Through testing, we can figure out exactly what you are allergic to, and customize drops that you will place under your tongue in the comfort of your own home.

If you would like more information on Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy or Allergy Treatments, feel free to request a consultation by calling 281-313-7435 or online via the Consultation Request Form.

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