Healing Unresolved Trauma with Dr. Keesha Ewers

Autoimmune disease is now the #1 chronic health problem. Functional medicine offers sound treatment, but is so often missing a critical piece of the puzzle. Dr. Keesha Ewers and I talk about trauma and grief – and how these can…

Heavy Metal Detox with Wendy Myers

I spoke with Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC, an expert in detoxification and minerals. She is passionate about educating the public on the importance of long term detoxing considering our toxic world. She healed her own health issues through hair…

What is BPA and What is it Doing to My Body?

  Bisphenol A (BPA) is a xenoestrogen, meaning “foreign estrogen”. This is a chemical exhibiting estrogen-like properties, and can affect your body likewise. BPA has been tested as an artificial estrogen as early as the 1930s. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a similar…

Understanding Your Food Labels

In the United States, there are different certifying food labels that could be on one of your pantry items right now. But what do each of these mean? There are certain standards set in place by third-party agencies to check…

Beyond Skin Deep: A Clinical Guide to the Science of Beauty

I’m excited to share with all of you my comprehensive wellness approach on how to address nutritional, metabolic and lifestyle factors. We are going to discuss a comprehensive approach to beauty. What are the underlying physiological factors affecting healthy aging,…

How Gratitude Improves Your Health!

Did you know… recent studies have shown that showing gratitude throughout your daily life is actually good for your total health.  This means that it’s CRUCIAL to practice gratitude. And not only throughout the holidays but in each and every…

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