Because of genetics, diet, lifestyle, processed foods and a toxic environment, we are all at risk for compromised digestion.  This often leads to weakened immune function, fatigue, hormone imbalance, digestive disorders and disease.  A healthy diet and lifestyle, along with supplemental digestive enzymes is the key to prevention and/or correction of such conditions.  Digestive enzymes are the catalysts which allow us to break down foods into absorbable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids.  Once these nutrients are liberated, enzymes again play a vital role in escorting them to the cells and tissues for utilization.  Therefore, without proper enzyme functioning, such nutrients are useless to our bodies.  By taking supplemental enzymes, the body is ensured that it will get the necessary nutrition it needs for optimal health and transformation.

There are three supplements that I recommend to my patients:

Advanced Digest

Optimal digestion results in nutrient availability, delivery and absorption for cellular function and repair.  Do you feel bad every time you eat?  Do you suffer from common digestive disorders such as:

  • Acid reflux or indigestion
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lactose or gluten intolerance
  • Nagging food allergies

Advanced Digest will get the nutrients from the food you eat to the cells in a recognizable and usable form.  Genetics, stressful lifestyles, poor diet, processed foods, prescription drugs and the environment all influence your digestion on a daily basis.  You can no longer assume eating a healthy diet will result in good nutrition.

Advanced Digest taken with meals promotes optimal digestion, nutrient availability and cellular health.

Health Benefits include:

  • Digestion without discomfort
  • Maximum metabolism and energy production
  • Strong immune system
  • Reduced food intolerances and allergies

Advanced Digest not only takes the stress off of the digestive organs, it also reduces oxidative stress which may lessen pre-mature aging.  It delivers nutrients to the cell and that nutrition is the foundation of your wellness.

Advanced Protease

Optimal circulation and immunity results in complete delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, enhancing its ability to defend and detoxify itself on a regular basis.  Are you at risk for or suffer from:

  • High blood pressure or cardiovascular disease?
  • Inflammatory conditions like arthritis, allergies or diabetes?
  • Weakened immunity or recurrent infections?
  • Toxicity and chemical sensitivities?

Our Advanced Protease provides systemic benefits to the circulatory system, the immune system and the detioxfying organs.  This formula is also very effective at helping reduce and control chrconic inflammation, the underlying cause of most degenerative diseases.

Advanced Protease is proactive support to your body’s natural recovery and healing process.

Health Benefits include:

  • Improved circulation
  • Regulation of fibrin reducing inappropriate clot formation
  • Regulation of inflammation
  • Faster recovery and healing
  • Improved resistance to allergies, colds and infections
  • Enhanced detoxification

Advanced Protease taken daily between meals reduces stress on your heart and immune system and promotes oxygen flow to your brain and vital tissues.

Advanced Probiotic

Optimal Intestinal Health results in complete digestion, production of vital nutrients and elimination of food waste. Have you taken antibiotics and suffer from intestinal imbalances that cause embarrassing discomfort such as:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Painful cramping or bleeding in the GI tract?
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Lactose intolerance

Advanced Probiotic replaces the flora in your GI tract that often becomes depleted by antibiotic use or imbalance by poor diet choices.  Further complications can arise when the opportunistic microorganisms feed off of undigested food, creating gas and releasing toxic waste into the bloodstream.

Advanced Probiotic is acid stable and survives the GI tract to become live cultures, colonizing and providing health benefits to the human host.

Health Benefits include:

  • Production of digestive enzymes assisting with protein, fat and lactose digestion
  • Immune support
  • Healthy and timely elimination of waste

Advanced Probiotic taken at bedtime will help maintain the beneficial bacteria in your GI tract benefiting digestion, immunity and elimination.

Taking these three supplements will get you on the right path to intestinal wellness! You can find out more information about them by clicking here. 

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