In Dr. Shel, Health, Self Care, Wellness, Women, Writing

Well, after many years of considering it, I have decided to take the plunge and write my first (of many) books! I was inspired by my brilliant and beautiful nine year-old daughter whose summer project is to write her own book. I am so proud. Hers is sure to be imaginative, dramatic and magical. My book will talk about my journey from traditional medicine to integrative medicine with an emphasis on helping women to understand their bodies and empower them to become advocates for their own well-being in every phase of life. After treating tens of thousands of women, I believe I have a very unique perspective on the major concerns and setbacks that women face. There does exist a theme among the vast majority of the women who seek my help. They just don’t feel like themselves anymore. Virtually every woman who comes into my office describes a feeling of joylessness, apathy, lethargy, fatique, depression, weight gain, hair loss, low libido or some combination of those symptoms. They think there is something either terribly “wrong” with them or they’ve accepted these symptoms as part of the aging process. It is perhaps one of the most personally satisfying moments in my day when I reach across my desk and reveal that they are like so many women and real help and healing is available. Often, there are tears. And then, the transformation to their “real self” begins. It’s an extraordinary process that is life-changing and empowering. I feel privileged to be a part of it, and I hope my book will help even more women with questions as my patients.

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