The Natural World

We live in a busy world. So many of us are up early, have a fully scheduled day and then before we know it, we are back at home getting ready for the evening routine. We are exhausted. So when…

My Path to Authorship

Well, after many years of considering it, I have decided to take the plunge and write my first (of many) books! I was inspired by my brilliant and beautiful nine year-old daughter whose summer project is to write her own…

What is Self Care, Really?

It seems so simple. If we are to live our best lives, then we have to take care of ourselves. Right? This means getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise and taking time for ourselves to relax,…

Whats the fuss about Fish Oil?

Fish oil is a great supplement to address many issues. It has been shown to have benefit in many areas, including ADHD, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and cholesterol control. However, the type and dose of fish oil is very important….

Are you at risk for Breast Cancer?

Simply being a woman and getting older puts you at risk for breast cancer.  The older you are, the greater your chances of getting breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute estimates that, based on current rates, 13.2 percent of women…

Overcome Weight Loss Resistance

Many people who want to lose weight put themselves on a diet. However, we know that more than 95% of all diets end in failure. Some people struggle to lose even the smallest amount of weight. Many factors contribute to…

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