Happily Ever NOW

So many of us suffer from the “ever after” syndrome. We always believe that our happiness will come when we lose weight, have more money, meet the perfect person, live in the dream house, find our ideal job and more….

Is your food making you sick?

More than 12 million Americans suffer from Food Allergies and sensitivities and are mis-diagnosed; an estimated 3 million sufferers are children.  In my professional experience I have encountered many patients who suffer from the common symptoms related to food allergies…

FEEL Your Feelings

Most mothers instinctively scoop up their children when they fall down and shower them with kisses and comforting sentiments that might include, “You’re OK!” or “Everything’s Fine” or “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Yes, parents just want to make…

Take a Deep Breath

What do you think about when you hear the term “take some deep breaths”? Usually you are trying to come down from a frustrating or emotionally exhausting experience. Sometimes we are trying to calm down, take a moment and reassess…

Keeping our men up to speed on health

The men in our life play an important role in supporting our daily lives. It is our turn to help them find the balance in theirs. For National Men’s Health Week we must remember the importance of regular checkups and…

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