The Best Beauty Secret in The World

Women are confronted daily with a beauty industry that spend billions of dollars telling them that they could be even more beautiful than they already are. Just the sheer volume of images and messages that women face can leave a…

May the Source Be With You

Do you know where your food comes from? Do you understand how food creates energy in the body and is either expelled or stored? I recently saw an incredible documentary called Food, Inc. which I highly recommend. As a country,…

Celebrity Skin Secrets- Part I: Lasers

How many times have you looked at a picture of your favorite celebrity and wondered why they never seem to show signs of aging? How do these women and men seem to defy the inevitable hands of time without looking…

Happily Ever NOW

So many of us suffer from the “ever after” syndrome. We always believe that our happiness will come when we lose weight, have more money, meet the perfect person, live in the dream house, find our ideal job and more….

Is your food making you sick?

More than 12 million Americans suffer from Food Allergies and sensitivities and are mis-diagnosed; an estimated 3 million sufferers are children.  In my professional experience I have encountered many patients who suffer from the common symptoms related to food allergies…

FEEL Your Feelings

Most mothers instinctively scoop up their children when they fall down and shower them with kisses and comforting sentiments that might include, “You’re OK!” or “Everything’s Fine” or “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Yes, parents just want to make…

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