In Bioidentical Hormone

We all spend an inordinate amount of time trying to live up to our ideas of what a great life should be. But when was the last time you sat down and really took focused time to contemplate what you love to do, what inspires you and how you feel physically and mentally? When was the last time you asked yourself “what is or is not working in my life?”

I am fortunate to meet many different kinds of women in my practice. Some of them are professionals who put in long hours and struggle to balance their time between family and business obligations. Others are stay-at-home mothers who spend countless hours raising children and managing a busy household. The common denominator is that they are all hard working, unique, sensitive and beautiful ladies who feel motivated to do what’s best for themselves and for those they love.

For many women it takes weeks, months or even years of feeling a plethora of symptoms including foggy thinking, hair loss, weight gain, lethargy, low energy, poor sleep, low sex drive, and just sheer exhaustion, to begin to seek help. I feel compelled to let women know that they are not alone and help is truly available. Women go through a period in their lives that demand extra attention and care. Otherwise, many of us succumb to a different version of ourselves that we don’t understand or even recognize. Women struggling with hormonal imbalances often report that their mood swings are so intense that their personalities start changing dramatically. Of course this not only affects a person’s self esteem, but it can also compromise relationships and even lead to symptoms of depression.

One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is to take control of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Our job as human beings is to experience life to the fullest and to enjoy ourselves as much as possible. We care for ourselves so we have the energy, passion and internal resources to make a difference in people’s lives. The women I know care deeply about their families, friends and making their communities better. And this is only possible when the whole woman is addressed and cared for. If you don’t feel well, don’t seem like yourself or feel foggy and confused about what is happening with your body, you can take control today. You are your best advocate, so never settle when someone tells you “You’re fine. There’s nothing wrong.” Seek that extra support and information you need to begin the beautiful journey of reclaiming who you really are.

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