Your Body Shape & Your Overall Health

It seems our Apples, Pears, Hourglass and Ruler body shapes can assist with identifying areas of our health that should be monitored and improved. Recent studies show that body shape may directly impact your physical health. An expert in high-blood…

New to Neurofeedback?

There is a state of the art treatment, called neurofeedback, that has been utilized for many years which is finally getting noticed by physicians and their patients to drastically improve quality of life by creating a healthy state of mind. It…

Detox for a Healthier You

Sweating and Detoxification…the Far-Infrared Style! Saunas have been known throughout history to aid  individuals in relaxation and promote wellness.  Sweating is one of the methods that allow us to remove toxic substances from our body.  We start off each morning…

What’s on Your Plate?

What’s on Your Plate? A healthy diet can be overwhelming to most people.  We are surrounded by temptation all around us; the decadent cupcakes at the party, the mouth-watering hamburger Chili’s advertises, the salty bag of chips at the checkout…

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