In Laser

How to treat laser toenail fungus using GenesisPlus Laser Treatments.

Now that summer has officially begun, it is time to say farewell to your warm winter wardrobe, pack away the winter boots and slippers, and break out your cute wedge sandals and colorful flip flops for the season. However, while going shoeless on the beach may be a highlight of summer for some people, it can be a large source of discomfort and embarrassment for others.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, nearly 12% of all Americans suffer from some variety of ongoing toenail fungus each year. This infection, typically found in older individuals, can cause a person’s toenails to grow abnormally, become discolored, and may even cause pain when walking.

Luckily, new laser therapy treatments such as GenesisPlus are now available to help treat toenail fungus without the long-term treatment and hassle of oral medication and topical creams. But first, before learning about the different ways that you can treat toenail fungus, it is important to learn about the causes and treatments of this mild infection:

Where Does Toenail Fungus Come From?

Onychomycosis, better known as toenail fungus, is a fungal infection of the toes that can cause a person’s nails to become discolored and brittle. While the infection is most common in older individuals, anyone can get it, especially if toenail fungus is inherent within their family.

Toenail fungus can also be common in swimmers and other athletes who regularly go barefoot in public or have damp feet. While this infection is generally just a cosmetic problem while in its mild forms, it can cause pain and serious side-effects over time.

How Do You Treat Toenail Fungus?

Until now, many people have attempted to treat their toenail fungal infections through medication and topical creams. However, these creams typically have a very low success rate (less than 18%) and require daily application over a 9-12 month period. Like topical creams, medication can be an expensive, long-term  option for the treatment of toenail fungus. Many medications also have been known to have problematic side effects such as potential liver toxicity.

Given these facts, one of the safest and simplest treatments options available to combat toenail fungus is through laser light therapy such as GenesisPlus. This new treatment options allows for efficient treatment of an affected area, all within a short amount of time.

The GenesisPlus laser toenail fungus treatments work by applying a laser light source to the areas that are infected, targeting the fungal infection in the toenail. Once found, the GenesisPlus laser will destroy the infection by using a specific wavelength that only targets the living fungi. This allows for a relatively quick, painless treatment because infected areas are made up of dead cells―a cell in the skin that has expired.


As your nail grows out, the new, healthy nail growth will appear free of a discolored, brittle appearance. Therefore, once your nails have fully grown out, you will see the full results of the laser toenail fungus treatments.

A growing number of health and wellness centers, including the Dr. Shel Wellness and Medical Spa, offer this simple, painless laser procedure that will help to eliminate a toenail fungal infection. Call and make an appointment today so that you can enjoy the rest of your summer without feeling embarrassed about how your toes look in flip flops and sandals.

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