Listen here! *EMSELLA is FREE for the month of October when you purchase a vaginal rejuvenation package. Schedule your consultation today, and call us at 281-313-7435 to take advantage of this incredible offer! Someone tells a funny joke and you’re…
Hello everyone, VANQUISH ME™ Fat Reduction treatments are available at Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center! VANQUISH ME™ is the latest ground-breaking technology for non-invasive fat removal. Comfortably relax while your fat is being selectively targeted and disrupted. VANQUISH ME™…
Cindy was living her life in a cloud of allergies after life-long use of antibiotics. Exhausted from trying to treat the symptoms of her chronic infections, she decided to visit Dr. Shel Wellness, where little did she know that her…
Maintaining your ideal body weight can be a frustrating and difficult task. You may have heard or suspected that your hormones have something to do with your inability to lose weight and that may absolutely correct, especially if you a…
You may remember our friend, Aunt Flo, our popular euphemism for menstruation. In this blog, we will discuss her daughter, PreMenstrual. Pre comes to visit during the luteal phase before Aunt Flo, and she can cause significant disruption. The…
Tattoos are something that thousands and thousands of people have. Some people love them. Other people perhaps don’t like them anymore and wish they had never done something that was permanent. The good news is now we can now do…