In Cancer Prevention

If you didn’t know, or incase you forgot:

  • 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the United States
  • 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer
  • Around 40% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes

Wake up call, right? 

Wrong. Chances are some of you are still saying “that couldn’t be me”.

I was like you, too. When my husband, Ayez, was diagnosed with ALS about 5 years ago, I was not sleeping- maybe three or four hours at most, and under copious amounts of stress. It’s hard to think about yourself when you have a medically fragile husband, two children, and two businesses to take care of. 

What I didn’t know was that I was creating a perfect environment- practically a spa- for cancer cells to thrive. 

Three years after Ayez’s diagnosis, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2019. One of the first phone calls that I made afterwards was to my good friend, Dr. Nalini Chilkhov, whom I was absolutely honored to have on my podcast this week.

Follow along with these timestamps- even if you haven’t been touched by cancer. I wish I had taken cancer prevention much more seriously 5 years ago. 


[02:57] How is it possible to create a body where cancer can’t thrive? What causes it to thrive in the first place?
[13:35] How to integrate an integrative practitioner into your oncology protocol: how you can combine conventional medicine with naturopathy
[27:11] How to best monitor your cancer, or for cancer
[35:35] Must-do lifestyle changes to suppress cancer cells
[52:49] What are epigenetics? How can we change how our genes behave?

I am now in remission, thanks in great part to Dr. Nalini. Download Dr. Nalini’s free cancer-preventative and cancer-fighting guide to Healthy Estrogen Balance– where you learn how to promote effective estrogen detoxification with a shopping list and daily recipe ideas.

Learn from my mistakes, and accept this gift as a blessing. 

Reminder: we are always here for you. You can call 281.313.7435 or sign up for a consultation and request an appointment at our center.


Gratefully Yours,

Dr. Shel

P.S. Have you heard of resveratrol? It’s a powerful naturally-occurring antioxidant that we talk about in the podcast. This is a key ingredient in Mitocore, a supplement that is 20% off in my store this month- with the code 20OFF.

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