In Fish Oil, Vitamins and Supplements

Fish oil is an excellent supplement to address many health issues. It has been shown to have benefit in many areas, including ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and cholesterol control.

However, you can’t just simply ask for fish oil at the drugstore or pharmacy and purchase what’s available. It is important to note that there is no regulation on over-the-counter fish oil supplements.  By and large, there is no guarantee that you are getting what is stated on the label!

To ensure optimum outcomes and maximize the benefits of fish oil supplements,  the following variables should be carefully considered:

  • Freshness – Oils that are rich in Omega-3s such as fish oil are susceptible to oxidation which makes it easy for them to go rancid. When an oil gets stale, it becomes pro-inflammatory and may even exacerbate existing health problems. Fresh fish oil should smell like the ocean and not like rotten fish. Furthermore, watch out for that strong lemony scent as this could be an indicator that the manufacturer is trying to disguise the product’s rancidity.
  • Purity – You’ve probably read or heard about the supposedly alarming levels of toxic heavy metals in fish such as mercury. Several experts argue that this should not be a concern at all as most species of fish naturally contain selenium which binds with mercury, rendering it harmless to the body tissues. However, taking fish oil supplements daily may actually expose one to undesirable levels of the toxic heavy metals. Thus, it pays to find a trusted manufacturer who won’t hesitate in providing buyers with a copy of their Certificate of Analysis (COA). The COA is proof that an independent lab has tested and measured the ingredients in the fish oil supplement.
  • Potency – A fish oil’s anti-inflammatory effect is largely dependent on the amount of its omega-3 derivatives such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Although your omega-3 requirements may vary depending on your health issues, it pays to know how much exactly of the aforementioned omega-3 derivatives you’re getting. If you’re taking fish oil supplements for maintenance, 500 g a day is sufficient. Thus, taking capsules containing 200 to 300 mg of omega-3 twice a day may work for you. Ultimately, it is best to consult with your provider to determine the best dose of fish oil specific to your health concerns.

Other variables to consider include the following:

  • additional nutrients in the supplement such as Vitamin K2 (present in fermented cod liver oil)
  • bioavailability (whether or not the omega-3 derivatives can be readily absorbed the body)
  • sustainability
  • cost

Your Trusted Provider for High Quality Fish Oil Supplements

If you’ve been considering taking fish oil, we urge you to purchase from trusted and reliable source such as the ones we offer at the Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa. Order our Advanced EPA/DHA Omega-3 from us today and have peace of mind that you are getting the highest quality available!

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