In Heart Health, Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamin D is something we’re constantly hearing about these days. Known as “sunshine in a bottle”, vitamin D is so incredibly crucial to your overall health, and because we don’t absorb enough from the sun or our food, it is crucial that we supplement with additional vitamin D.

Vitamin D, which is actually a hormone rather than a vitamin, aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus – two very important nutrients for bone health. It can also reduce the risk of developing tumors, diabetes, dementia and even cancer. What many do not know is that vitamin D is also critical for heart health.

A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as the root cause of many heart-related issues. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to increased arterial hardening, strokes, heart attacks and of course, cardiovascular disease.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D in the blood have been shown the protect the heart as it reduces total inflammation and contributes to lower blood pressure levels.

Your first line of defense is to have your vitamin D levels checked regularly. This establishes a baseline so that you know how much vitamin D you should be taking. Once you establish this baseline, you should continue on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. The RDA recommends 400-600 IU daily, however we all know that is far too low for optimal wellness. The minimum amount of vitamin D you should be taking daily ranges from 1,000-3,000 IU daily. If your vitamin D levels are checked and come back reporting low, you can take anywhere from 5,000-10,000 IU daily until your vitamin D levels regulate and then you can back down to a smaller maintenance dose. For my patients with low D levels, I almost always recommend taking one 50,000 IU tablet weekly so they do not have to think about taking their vitamin D every single day.

One question I am asked fairly often is “What is considered a low vitamin D level?”

When you have your bloodwork done, your vitamin D level should be in the 30-50 ng/ml range. If your vitamin D level is below 30 ng/ml, you are deficient in vitamin D and therefore, should begin supplementing with a medical-grade vitamin D supplement.

Other health benefits of vitamin D include:

  • Improved mental function
  • Increased bone density
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Reduced risk of diabetes and cancer
  • Anti-diabetic effects

Affecting almost every person in the United States, low vitamin D levels are nearly becoming a modern epidemic.

Bottom line: Vitamin D may play an essential role in staving off heart disease and many other contributing factors.

If you’ve never had your vitamin D levels tested, I strongly encourage you to do so and get started on a medical grade vitamin D supplement as soon as possible. Call our office today at 281-313-7435 to schedule your vitamin D test and learn more about pharmaceutical-grade vitamin D here.

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