Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Most people are aware of food allergies. Everyone knows someone who has an allergy to peanuts, strawberries, shellfish, or some other food. However, what most people are not aware of are Food Sensitivities.

True food allergies are based on exposure to a specific protein component of a food. The immune system incorrectly perceives the protein as a threat and produces antibodies in response. The reaction to a food allergy is usually immediate and severe, and can even be fatal. True food allergies are estimated to affect less than 2 percent of adults and 4 to 8 percent of young children and infants.

What are Food Sensitivities?

Food sensitivities on the other-hand are extremely common. In fact, in over 9 years of testing patients I have observed that virtually everyone has at least some degree of sensitivity to one or more foods.

The most common sensitivities I see are:

Food Sensitivities

  • CORN
  • SOY
  • EGGS


This is no surprise since our diets have become bombarded with these foods. These 5 foods make up nearly 75% of all food sensitivities.

Food sensitivities may arise for various reasons and cause a wide variety of symptoms, making it complex and oftentimes confusing. In general, food sensitivities are the result of toxic responses to food. Identifying food sensitivity without laboratory testing can be extremely difficult because symptoms may be delayed for up to two days after a food has been consumed.

Signs That You May Have Food Sensitivity

A very common symptom of food allergies is dark circles underneath the eyes, which indicates a negative liver response to a food. Have you heard of the term “food coma”? Somehow it’s become a commonly accepted term and side effect of eating. If you are eating food that nourishes and supports you, you should feel clear and energized after eating it…not foggy and drained.

Common indications of food sensitivities include:

Foods should provide energy, not deplete it. If you eat foods that don’t work for you, your body is not able to use them and has to work hard to eliminate them.

There are several foods that have been identified in research studies as those that can contribute to IBS and reflux symptoms, particularly dairy and wheat products.

Diets high in heavily processed foods may alter the composition of your gut bacteria, which can cause weight gain, gas, bloating, and constipation.

That cream in your coffee can wreak havoc in your body if you’re unknowingly sensitive or intolerant to lactose. If you eat a food you’re sensitive to, antibodies rush in, creating an immune response and anticipating another attack. The antibodies have nothing to break down so they crave the offending food – and so do you.

Foods like gluten, dairy, and sugar are natural opiates that contain gluteomorphins and casomorphins – morphine-like substances metabolized from foods containing wheat or dairy. The brain fog and moodiness that come with giving them up can be signs of withdrawal.

The most common symptom of food sensitivity is joint & muscle pain. Foods like dairy, soy and gluten can trigger inflammatory responses.

Sneezing or congestion after eating can be triggered by any food. The most common offenders are hot, spicy foods and alcohol.

Your skin is your body’s biggest organ. When something’s off inside, it can show in your skin. Eczema, rosacea, acne, and dark circles under your eyes are examples of your immune system speaking through your skin.

How Can You Accurately Detect Your Food Sensitivities?

Laboratory testing is the easiest and most accurate way to identify your specific food sensitivities. The test I use is a 96IGG food sensitivity test, which tests for 96 different foods. The results are returned within 3 weeks. Once results are received, you will be seen by a physician to interpret the results for you and prepare your personalized eating plan.

Your personalized plan may include a rotation diet, shopping lists, foods to avoid, and food substitutions you can make. For example, substituting cashew butter for peanut butter, or substituting coconut flour for wheat flour. Most patients are on a rotation diet for 6 months and then can slowly re-introduce certain foods back into their diet one at a time to determine if the sensitivity has resolved itself. I recommend re-testing every 6-12 months.

Find Out Which Foods Are Making YOU Sick!

Knowledge is power. To discover your specific food sensitivities and get on a customized eating plan for optimal health, request a consultation today. Call (218) 313-7435 or Request a Consultation Online. We would love to discuss this service with you in more detail and answer any questions you have!

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