In Fish Oil

Fish oil is a great supplement to address many issues. It has been shown to have benefit in many areas, including ADHD, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and cholesterol control. However, the type and dose of fish oil is very important. A pharmaceutical grade fish oil is imperative. This means that it is has been purified to remove heavy metals and pesticides from human pollution of our waters. That also means losing some of the “fish taste”, which is an added benefit.

It doesn’t help and may even harm you if you purchase your fish oil at the drugstore or grocery store, because it may expose you to some heavy metals. Please remember, there is no regulation on over-the-counter supplements. That means there is no guarantee that you are getting what it states on the label!

It is also important to take a dose based on any issues you have. It is best to consult with your provider to determine the best dose of fish oil specific to your health concerns.

Overall, fish oil and the other essential fatty acids are some of the most important supplements you can replace!

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