In IV Vitamin Therapy

Medical technology and wellness advances every year and the community seeks to find innovative treatment for chronic disease, including cancer.  One effective and unique new treatment to boost your wellness when fighting disease is the use of intravenous nutrition.

Intravenous nutrition is a method of feeding vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances directly into your blood stream. Vitamin C IV therapy is especially popular among cancer patients.

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that our bodies need to heal and protect us from stress. Our bodies do not make Vitamin C on their own, therefore we have to consume it in order to build the necessary reserves. IV administration is the fastest and most effective way to introduce Vitamin C to the body.

Vitamin C is known for its anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-histamine properties. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen and neurotransmitter production in the body, making it an effective complement to your treatment for heart disease and sports injuries as well.  To learn more about Vitamin C and IV therapy click here.

For more personalized information on IV Vitamin Therapy, please request your consultation, or call us at (281) 698-7435.

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