In Nutrition

A healthy mind and body starts with a healthy home environment.

As you head out over the next couple of weeks, you may notice several subtle changes taking place all around you: stores have taken down their shelves full of beach gear and pool toys and replaced them with school supplies, the once sweltering summer heat now has a crisp, cool breeze to it, and it seems as though the stacks of wedding and graduation invitations have officially come to a halt. All of this could only mean one thing―summer is quickly coming to a close.

While the end of the summer season often means saying farewell to fun family getaways and weekends spent by the pool, it also means the start of many long days spent inside in the warm weather and less time spent outside, being active. However, before you grab a seat in front of the TV and secure your hibernation spot, it is important to understand that the end of summer doesn’t also have to mean saying goodbye to healthy habits.

There are several things that you can do to bring your summer health and happiness with you into the fall and winter seasons. One of the most significant ways of doing this is by shifting your focusing indoors and creating a healthy home environment for you and your family. However, these changes don’t need to cost you a fortune―Here are several simple, inexpensive ways to keep healthy at home:

Bring The Outside In

Incorporating plants and flowers into your home will not only brighten up the room and increase your mood, but there are also several plants that you can buy that will help purify the air inside of your home. For instance, plants such as Aloe Vera or Spider Plants will specifically target vapors in your house and rid the air of any harmful chemicals. At the same time, they also increase the oxygen levels in your home, creating a happy, healthy environment.

Utilize Your Freezer

While the fall season may bring an end to outdoor markets and local produce stands, that does not mean that you cannot continue to eat these healthy products. Your freezer is a great tool for storing local fruits and veggies long past the end of the summer season. While frozen foods usually end up getting a bad rap, they are actually quite nutritious and can be extremely convenient during the winter months.

Replace Household Items Regularly

While many household cleaning items can last for quite a while (mops, brooms, etc.), items that you use for daily cleaning, such as dish sponges and shower loofahs, should be replaced regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs. You may also want to consider replacing your household cleaners with greener varieties. Not only are environmentally friendly cleaners much safer and healthier than regular chemicals, but they usually cost the exact same as traditional cleaners do.

Now that summer will soon be coming to a close and we will be spending more time cozied up inside of our warm homes, it is important that you create a clean, healthy environment for both you and your family. Not only will these changes help to increase your health and mood, but they will also improve your overall well-being long past the hibernation period.

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