In Detoxification Therapy, Diet, Health, Nutrition, Wellness

Salt, in its unaltered state, is not the small, dry, pure white little cube found in common table salt. In its natural form, salt is actually moist, clumpy, slightly off-color, and more flavorful than refined salt. Natural, unrefined salt can have many health benefits, but what most people don’t realize is that the white stuff they are putting on their foods had been altered so much that is has not only lost it’s health benefits, but may even be harmful to your health.

How Do They Make Refined Salts?

There are three things that happen to salt when it is refined:

  1. Table salt is heavily processed, going through a number of “cleaning” stages using chemical such as barium, sulfuric acid and chlorine that strips it of the 80+ healthy trace minerals that are found in natural salt.
  2. It is bleached to make it pure white and dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, which alters its natural chemical structure.
  3. Anti-caking agents are then added to keep it dry, prevent clumping, and make the salt flow freely when poured.

So, not only has the refinement process removed all of the health trace minerals, but various chemicals have also been added to it. Of particular concern are the anti-caking agents. They sound harmless enough, and make using salt much easier, but the truth about them is that they are bad for your health. Anti-caking agents are often composed of phosphate, carbonate, silicate and oxide compounds, which contain aluminum.

Why Is Aluminum A Concern?

Most of us are aware of the negative effects that heavy metals can have on our bodies. However, many people are not aware that Aluminum, although not technically a heavy metal, can also be toxic to our bodies if we are exposed to too much. Unlike some metals that our body needs small amounts of, such as iron, zinc, and copper, aluminum is not necessary for any of our bodily processes to function and is essentially foreign to our bodies.

Aluminum is a light alloy that deposits into your brain and once aluminum is in your tissues, your body has a difficult time releasing it. Over time, aluminum can accumulate in your brain and do serious damage your neurological health.

Aluminum also impairs your body’s ability to produce adequate amounts of Glutathione. Glutathione is your most important intracellular detoxifier, required for reversing oxidative stress. So, if your aluminum load is high, your body will potentially become more toxic.

Excess aluminum exposure is not something that usually happens at once, but rather slowly over time as we are exposed to it through a myriad of sources. Refined salts are a common source of aluminum consumption that most are not even aware of.

What Kind Of Salt Should I Use?

Be aware that even many supposedly “natural” sea salts are still refined products, and in most cases still contain an anti-caking agent. You will need to read the labels carefully to make sure your are getting a natural, unrefined sea salt. A few recommendations that are readily available at many stores are Celtic Brand Sea Salt and Redmond’s Real Salt, both of which do not contain anti-caking agents and are unrefined.

What Can I Do To Help Detoxify From Aluminum Exposure?

Since aluminum depletes your Glutathione, which is your body’s most important detoxifier, you may want to consider Glutathione IV therapy. Since Glutathione cannot be utilized by the body when taken orally, the best method of delivery is through an IV. Glutathione IV therapy helps the body to detoxify, heal, and prevent future illnesses. If you have any questions about Glutathione, other IV Therapies, please ask in the comments area. Please also feel free to call and schedule a consultation with one of our consultants at 281-313-7435.

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