In Health, Relax, Self Care, Wellness, Women

We all had different sets of gifts bestowed upon us when we were born to make other people, circumstances and life more interesting and less like what we would experience day in and day out if we were all carbon copies of each other. Yet, sometimes we continue to find ourselves more interested in what others were gifted in their lives and we become overtaken with desire to be like them, have what they have and become more focused on others rather than ourselves. As a result we never end up fully appreciating the beautiful person that we are and what we have to offer ourselves as well as each person we encounter. It has become more and more common for us to not appreciate ourselves because we think we are not a whole person which can be based on believing “I am not this”, or “I don’t have this” therefore I am not enough. Often times when we look into the mirror and truly see ourselves for who we are deep inside we can find that our gifts are truly abundant and they should be appreciated even if they don’t compare to what we believe others have.

We should all take time to look into ourselves, reflect on who we are, remember all of our accomplishments (no matter how big or small), take pride in “mistakes” that made us stronger and love ourselves before we desire what others may acquire. You will find that if you truly love yourself as we were each meant to, possessions of others will no longer be desired as you have something that most people don’t have and that is unconditional love of yourself.

Do yourself one of the biggest favors you can ever do and take the time each day to make the effort to look at yourself and accept, appreciate and love yourself. Get to know yourself a little more each day and you will find the world opens it’s arms to you. Start by taking small steps towards getting to know yourself better by reading “One Minute Wisdom” by Anthony De Mello.
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