In Women

Hypothyroidism is a common disorder, especially in female patients. Unfortunately, it is often misdiagnosed or completely missed by many physicians.  As awareness of the condition improves so does the rate of diagnosis.  For years women have been diagnosed as depressed, chronically fatigued or even arthritic instead of suffering from hypothyroidism. Men can also be affected by hypothyroidism, although it is more commonly found in women.

 As you grow older your symptoms may appear more prominently, although patients can be diagnosed at any age.  If left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to additional physical as well as psychological problems.

Hypothyroidism is caused by hormonal imbalances within the body, adrenal fatigue and inadequate nutrition.  The most common symptoms experienced by both men and women alike include fatigue, unexplained weight gain, poor circulation, constipation, puffy skin around the eyes, hair loss and dry skin, low energy, depression, weak muscles and joint pain, even forgetfulness.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms it is important to be evaluated by a physician that is trained to recognize and naturally treat hypothyroidism.  Such treatment can lead to an increase in energy, the ability to lose weight, an improved mood and a body that is healthy and strong. Your diagnosis can be confirmed through a combination of a full thyroid panel and a comprehensive analysis of your symptoms and medical history.

Don’t spend another moment wishing you could feel like your old self again. Contact Dr. Shel for a complete hypothyroidism screening and treatment plan today.

Image courtesy of longleanna at

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