How to Erase the Years Naturally

Everywhere you look, everyone you see is most likely getting ready to go back to school around this time of the year. Whether you’re a student, parent, teacher, grandparent, or even an empty nester, these next few weeks will be…

Dr. Shel’s Detox Smoothie

Detox is very important to your overall health. While your body has normally occurring detoxification processes, the more you support these processes, the better your body is able to flush out toxins and unwanted cells. One of the best ways…

Must Have Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss is something we seem to be chase almost our entire life, no matter our age. And by this, I don’t mean that we are trying to resemble that of a super thin swimsuit model. I simply mean that…

The Many Benefits of Botox

For years, Botox has been commonly known as an anti-aging facial treatment used to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I have hundreds, if not thousands, of happy patients who have beautiful, life-changing results when they see…

Safe Summertime Procedures

Ahhhhh summertime! It comes around so quickly yet at the same time seems to pass us by in almost an instant. Can you believe it’s already mid-July?! Because we are in the dog days of summer, and we get asked…

How Toxins Contribute to Weight Gain

Obesity and diabetes are the two largest epidemics our generation is facing currently. While many would like to contribute the cause to carelessness, overeating and lack of exercise, there is an underlying issue at play that needs to be strongly…

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