Many people like the idea of getting a tan. However with increasing concerns over skin cancer many people are looking for better and safer alternatives to sun bathing. Too much sun exposure can also cause premature aging of the skin, resulting in solar lentigines (sun spots), melasma, and a break down of collagen and elastin fibers resulting in more wrinkled or sagging skin.

Traditional Spray Tanning

Over the years spray tanning has grown in popularity. However, it too has it’s draw backs. Without knowing what all is in the spray tanning solutions you may be exposed to various chemical that could cause negative affects on your health. Such chemicals could include Parabens or other hormonal disruptors that can contribute to hormonal imbalance, or even cancer.

A Growing Segment of New ORGANIC Spray Tanning

There are now companies offering natural, organic spray tanning solutions to the market. One of the companies leading this movement is called GLISSIN. With offices now open in Houston and Los Angeles, they combine the latest in spay tan technology with organic solutions of varying shades. There is also an increasing number of organic self-tanning lotions available.

Is this something you would consider using? I’d love to hear your opinions below.

What Can I Do About The Skin Damage I Already Have?

The appearance of Sun damage can be minimized or even reversed through the use of laser treatments such as Laser Genesis, Limelight IPLv and Pearl Fractional Laser Resurfacing.

A very effective product that can be used to help reverse the appearance of sun damage as well as prevent further damage is the Biopelle Retriderm Serum Max. This product contain Retinol, which is a very effective solution for sun damaged skin. You can read more about the anti-aging benefits of Retinol here.

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