Cindy was living her life in a cloud of allergies after life-long use of antibiotics.  Exhausted from trying to treat the symptoms of her chronic infections, she decided to visit Dr. Shel Wellness, where little did she know that her life would forever be changed (for the better!). Watch her share her emotional testimony, below.

Cindy, at the age of 57, had been on recurring doses of antibiotics since a very young age.  At the age of 5, she had her tonsils removed, and from that point on, she found herself continuously ill.  Cindy also suffered from food allergies and airborne allergies, which made it a huge struggle going to restaurants.  She would have to tell the waiter “I can’t have this or [I can’t have] that.”  And on top of illness and allergies, she had no energy, her memory was foggy, and she ached all over. The doctors that she saw at the time simply wanted to continue her on the path of repeated antibiotic treatment, but she knew that was a better way; she knew that “the body has to be healed from the inside out.”

About 6 months ago, she was waking up every day just feeling “rotten.”  That’s when a friend of hers told her about Dr. Shel and for lack of better words,  it was a life-changer.  Just 6 months later, Cindy has her energy back, a memory that she never had before, and it is only getting better!  She explains that there have been night and day changes with her health. According to Cindy, “you just have to get your life back, and this is the only way to do it.”

Cindy’s memory has improved so tremendously that when talking to people, she can finally keep track of what her thoughts when speaking.  She doesn’t lose her train of thought and has great recall.  In fact, Cindy finds that when talking to her daughter, she even remembers things that her daughter doesn’t. Impressive, right?!

As Cindy said it, “anybody that isn’t feeling well and you’re tired of dealing with doctors, Dr. Shel is the way to go.”

“Thank you, Dr. Shel!”

Does this sound like you? Where you put on several rounds of antibiotics at a young age and now find yourself battling with chronic infections, allergies, fatigue, and a poor memory?

So many patients with Cindy’s story suffer from issues such as candida, which make it practically impossible to have a strong immune system, balanced hormones, and to be free from gastrointestinal issues.

We know that treating the symptoms doesn’t cut it when trying to restore health. If you are tired of allergies and ready to have the energy and memory that you had in your early 20s, then we’d love to chat with you. Give us a call at 281.313.7435 or schedule a consultation.

Thank You,

Dr. Shel

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