In Gut Health

The mention of the words bacteria, germs, or microbes may be associated with being filthy, infectious, or something that should be avoided at all cost. However, it looks like recent scientific findings are actually suggesting that we should pause for a while and rethink what we have thought of bacteria and how we treat them (everything these days is labeled antibacterial!) for the past century or so. After all, you are home to approximately 100 trillion cells, yet only 1 in 10 of these cells are actually associated with human genes, the rest are comprised of bacteria, viruses, and various microbial species.

At the Dr. Shel Wellness and Medical Spa, we are incredibly excited about the growing body of research revealing that not all types of bacteria are actually foes but rather partners in achieving optimum health and preventing common health issues such as obesity and autoimmune disorders. Although majority of human microbiome studies are still in their early stages, we would like to share the following articles/studies on the subject that convey promising findings:

  1. Mainstream science finally admitting that gut bacteria play a role in preventing obesity & How Gut Bacteria Help Make Us Fat and Thin

Both articles describe in detail the results of several groundbreaking studies suggesting that obesity or being overweight may be more than just what and how much you eat but rather what kinds of bacteria you are actually allowing to flourish in your gut. The studies seem to find a direct correlation between microbial imbalances and excess weight.

Here’s an excerpt from the second article:

Research by Martin Blaser of New York University suggests that it helps to regulate appetite by modulating levels of ghrelin—a hunger-stimulating hormone. H. pylori was once abundant in the American digestive tract but is now rare, thanks to more hygienic living conditions and the use of antibiotics, says Blaser, author of a new book entitled Missing Microbes.

2. C-section babies missing crucial gut bacteria, study finds

The article pointed out the results of a study in which babies born via Caesarean are more prone to develop certain illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, and other autoimmune disorders later in life. The researchers pointed out that this may have to do with exposure to different types of bacteria during birth.

Babies born via vaginal delivery gets in contact (in some cases, the babies get to ingest them) with the bacteria in the birth canal as well the vagina. On the other hand, babies born via Caesarian  section tend to bypass such “bacterial initiation” and the researchers are trying to figure out if this is a significant contributor to the host of illnesses that the babies experience later in life.

3. More hygiene hypothesis: Does cleanliness = depression?

They Hygiene Hypothesis has been around for a while now. Although much of the hypothesis talks about how the excessive cleanliness of modern living is actually fueling the increasing number of allergies and autoimmune disorders, it looks like it may be the one to blame as well in the rising cases of depression and similar disorders. You might want to reconsider your constant dependence to antibacterial soaps and sanitizers after reading the article.

Gut Health Testing at Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa

After reading the links above, you may have understood now that gut health is critical to your overall health. If you’d like to find out more about your current gut health, we encourage you to get in touch with us.

Have your gut health tested today! We will help you create a personalized nutrition and wellness plan that will aid in the promotion of optimal gut health and consequently lead to excellent overall health on your end!


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