In Health, Relax, Self Care, Wellness

Tips for keeping your entire family healthy and happy this school year.

It’s hard to believe that we have already entered the last full week of August. Doesn’t it feel as though, just a couple of weeks ago, summer was beginning and we were just starting to break out all of our flip flops and bathing suits? But now, as the temperature begins to cool off and the days shrink shorter, it’s almost time to begin packing them away again.

Another sign that we are getting closer to the month of September is a certain term that seems to be popping up everywhere from the grocery store to shopping centers―”Back To School.”


This simple term is enough to trigger rebellion and angst in any child, and insight stress and anxiety into the mind of any parent. Not only does the start of another school year usually mean a year-long list of sports activities, bake sales, extracurricular activities and talent shows, but it also means a hectic adjustment back to reality for parents and children alike.

So, how can you ensure that both you and your children make a smooth transition back into the schedules and rules of fall? Here are just a few simple tips for moving back into the school year routine without being overloaded by stress and anxiety:

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

During the summertime, it’s easy for both you and your children to grow accustomed to later bedtimes. Not only are there plenty of fun seasonal activities to stay up for, but the days also stay light longer, making it difficult to get into bed early. However, now that the school year is drawing closer, it’s important to start adjusting bedtime habits now.

Children under the age of 12 should get at least 10-12 hours of sleep a night, and everyone else should strive for at least nine hours a night (that means you too!) The easiest way to get your family back into the habit of early mornings and early nights is to gradually move bedtime back a few minutes earlier each night up until the start of school.

Make Time For Nutrition and Exercise

A well-balanced routine of healthy dieting and exercise is essential for performing well in school and creating a stress-free home environment. Be sure that you allow plenty of time before school for both you and your children to eat a healthy, hearty breakfast. Not only will this help to give you the energy and fuel that you need to get through your day, but it will also help you to stay on track with chores and schedules.

It’s also important that each member of your family gets at least 15-20 minutes of daily exercise to promote overall  health and wellness. There are several exercises that you can participate in as a family, such as walking around the block or playing games in the backyard, that will keep you physically fit and help to relieve day-to-day stress.

Schedule Some Family Down Time

While many parents are aware of just how much they have going on in their lives, they do not realize that many kids often have just as many commitments and responsibilities between school, sports and friends. In today’s fast-paced world, it is important that parents and children alike leave plenty of time for relaxation and quiet time. This will help everyone avoid feelings of being “burned out” when the school year finally comes to an end again.

Going back to school is a time of adjustment for parents and children, so it can undoubtedly create stress and anxiety in your home. However, as long as you consider these simple tips for transitioning back to school, you can ensure that the term “Back To School” no longer produces feelings of  dread for each member of your family.

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