In Uncategorized, Gut Health

This past month I had the privilege of being a part of The Healthy Gut Summit, which consisted of a panel of 35 expert doctors from all over the world speaking on the topic of gut health. Below is an interview I had with Aliky Kouroupis for the Healthy Gut Experts Summit on the importance of gut health and how the health of your gut can impact your hormones. If you’ve been suffering from hormonal imbalance and symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, depression, anxiety, insomnia and more, perhaps your gut could use some cleaning up.

More importantly, perhaps your hormones could use a little attention too. Watch the interview below to learn how both the gut and hormones play a huge role in the functionality of one another.

For more information on the connection between gut and hormonal health, visit The Healthy Gut Experts Summit today!

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