In Depression and Anxiety

The first step to recovery is identifying the factors that might have led to your anxiety and/or Depression and reducing the symptoms. It is important that these issues be identified and addressed so that you will have a better chance of beating your depression and anxiety.


1. Dietary changes
    • Avoid Gluten, Sugars, Dairy, and eat small frequent meals 5-6 times per day.
    • Stay Hydrated (8-10 glasses per day)
    • Intermittent fasting — benefits of intermittent fasting include : protection against chronic disease, improved brain function, and increased longevity.
2. Improve sleep habits — Sleep 8 to 9 hours per night
    • Turn off the TV, computer, and smartphone a few hours before bed (the artificial light can overstimulate the brain, block melatonin production, and negatively impact sleep quality).
    • An ounce or two of clean/organic protein before bed has a balancing effect on blood sugar throughout the night prolonging sleep cycles.
    • Consider the Harmoni Pendant and Oura Ring (find links below to order)
    • Medical Grade Sleep support supplements.
3. Personal Time — Make time for yourself!
    • Bring mindfulness into your day by taking time-outs for slow, deep breathing. This is a simple way to defuse stress levels and calm the brain-adrenal axis.
    • Meditation – Download the Calm app (7- and 21-day anxiety program) or Headspace app
    • Yoga – Another great way to manage cortisol while also getting in better shape. Yoga can bring both more alertness and more stillness into your life. Walking


Detoxification plays an important role in overall health and wellbeing. Starting your plan with a dietary cleanse will help to clean out your intestines

Comprehensive, science based nutritional program designed to support safe and effective detoxification. Everything you need is consolidated into packets to make the program easy to follow and ensure that you don’t miss any necessary nutrients.

  • Liposomal Glutathione

Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the body. It helps protect cells against oxidative stress from dietary and environmental free radicals, and those resulting from normal metabolic processes.

Sweating helps to detoxify the body. We recommend using our Infra-Red Sauna 3-4 times per week for 6 weeks.

Intravenous Therapy Support

1. Myers Infusion

To heal the adrenals and balance nutrients. The vitamins and minerals in a Myer’s Cocktail support nervous system health during anxiety disorder treatments.

  • Vitamin B 12 and B complex — B vitamins serve as building blocks for your cells and nervous system. A B vitamin deficiency can cause fatigue and mood symptoms, making it critical to get enough B vitamins when you nave a mood disorder.
  • Vitamin C — As a antioxidant, vitamin C protects the cells from free radical damage. Oxidative damage from free radicals in the nervous system can increase anxiety symptoms. By protecting your nervous system from free radicals, vitamin C can help manage your anxiety and depression.
  • Magnesium- Helps support brain function and mood. When you have a magnesium deticiency, you can have an increased risk for mood symptoms such as depression and anxietv. Maintaining your magnesium levels can contribute to healthier brain function when you have anxiety mood
  • Zinc — The enzyme that produce specific mood neurotransmitters rev on zinc to runction. Your brain needs zinc to produce serotonin and aamma-aminobutvric acid (GABA), two neurotransmitters involved in anxiety. By addressing any zinc deficiencies, an IV for anxiety can support your brains natural anti-anxiety compounds.
2. NAD infusion 

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) appears naturally in your body and protects your cells’ structure. In addition to helping your cells function, NAD affects your siruitins, a type of protein that contributes to energy production. Siruitins also seem to affect mood disorders such as anxiety. A NAD IV can help balance your NAD levels to support a better mood and reduce anxiety symptoms

Additional Testing to include the following

This powerful combination of testing offers an opportunity to confirm a clinical suspicion and get a deeper understanding of how a patient’s micronutrient, toxic element exposure, hormonal imbalance. Gut health status, neurotransmitter imbalance is contributing to a shifting mood.

  • Food Sensitivity Testing

A food sensitivity can lead to an immune response that causes inflammation in the colon. We have The GUT-Brain Connection called the gut-brain axis. The gut-brain axis is a term for the communication network that connects your gut and brain. These two organs are connected both physically and biochemically in a number of different ways.

  • Candida Profile Testing

Eating a diet high in refined sugar disrupts normal hormone function and can result in excessive levels of estrogen in relation to progesterone which increases the risk for mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Consuming too much sugar and carbs can result in an increase of yeast in the gut.

  • Nutritional Testing

Nutritional deficiencies are widespread problem that affects countless people and can be due to several factors including: poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals in the foods available and inability to absorb nutrients. Diet is becoming increasingly recognized as a potentially modifiable factor that is inherently intertwined with human cognition, behavior, and emotions. Insufficient dietary intake of certain minerals has been associated with neurocognitive deficits, especially in vulnerable populations like children, whose nervous systems continue to develop for many years before reaching maturity.  (Supplement deficiencies with MEDICAL GRADE supplementation.)

  • Stool Testing

A stool test looks at beneficial bacteria levels, ova and parasites, the state of intestinal immune function, overall intestinal health and inflammation markers. Your gut and brain are also connected through chemicals called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters produced in the brain control feelings and emotions. The trillions of microbes that live in your gut also make other chemicals that affect how your brain works.

  • Adrenal Testing

Stress is related to anxiety. When stress hots, our bodies respond by releasing hormones that put you in a fight-or-flight mode. But when stress is unrelenting, the constant flood of these hormones disrupts the production of the body’s other important chemical messengers, leading to hormonal dysfunction.

  • Thyroid Testing

The thyroid gland has an important effect on the immune system and helps the digestive system operate correctly. Thyroid imbalances can contribute to mood problems such as depression and anxiety.

  • Hormone Testing

Hormones are chemical messengers that can have a powerful influence on the brain and your mental well-being. When hormones are balanced, you tend to have stable moods, energy, motivation, and mental clarity. When you have hormone imbalance you may experience symptoms that are associated with symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

  • Neurotransmitter Advanced Testing

Neurotransmitter imbalances are often associated with anxiety and depression, specifically Glutamate (panic attacks), PEA, Histamine, Serotonin, as well as Epinephrine and Norepinephrine. An imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters can lead to persistent fatigue.

  • Mycotoxins Testing

Exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides are known to interfere with normal hormone production. Mold exposure can affect the brain and lead to cognitive and emotional impairments.

  • Heavy Metal Testing

Toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and lead in our environment collect in our cells and when present in elevated concentrations, suppress our cell’s normal ability to utilize oxygen. Toxicity from low levels of exposure can lead to a wide array of neurological disturbances and be much more insidious in presentation than acute toxicity, which is, in contrast, rather obvious in its presentation. While the effects of heavy metal exposure may be superficially innocuous at first over time the body distributes and stores heavy metals and neurotoxic effects become more inevitable. Heavy metals are damaging to brain health. They disrupt neurotransmitter function and create oxidative stress that is detrimental to nerve cells contributing to mood disorders, poor memory, and dementia

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