In Men's Health

Make Changes In 2025 That Improve Your Physical And Mental Well-Being, Such As Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Houston, TX.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Houston TXDo you find yourself always saying this year will be better than the last every year?

Then, before you know it, December is already there, and you’re reflecting and thinking about everything that just wasn’t what you wanted.

Maybe you gained a few pounds, never picked up those weights at the gym, and spent way more money than you wanted. We could go on, but it’s time to get to the positive.

You DON’T have to have another year like the last. This year can be the one when you make changes just for you.

For one, it might not be too early for testosterone replacement therapy in Houston, TX, particularly if you’re experiencing early signs (or signs in general) of a hormone deficiency, such as a lower-than-normal sex drive or less energy.

And there’s more you can do to feel better about yourself and be better!

Regain energy, expand your mind, maintain your body, and so much more when you make some changes this year.

Start Reading

When you’re in school, it can seem like every time you turn around, you have another reading assignment, often regarding topics you have no interest in. This can turn anyone away from books. While some people continue to read long after, others lose interest.

If you’re one of the ones who strayed away, make this the year you pick up a book or two from the local library. Besides entertainment purposes, reading is also a way to gain new knowledge and broaden your horizons. Your focus will improve, and you can learn to empathize better.

Prioritize Your Friends and Family

Life can get busy, so you may choose work over play because you have bills to pay. This choice can easily lead to a vicious cycle when it comes to your mood. And your family and friends may not feel connected with you as a result.

In 2025, improve your connections with your family and friends. Not only will they enjoy seeing your smiling face, but you’ll improve your mental health in the process.

Loneliness increases your risk of several health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Your friends and family can also provide you with emotional support.

Moreover, if you’ve ever heard the impression “Laughter is the best medicine,” there’s a reason for it. Laughing is a stress reliever. It’s also known to increase your hydration and improve your heart health.

Take a Trip

Even if it’s only a day trip, try to get out of the norm of your monotonous daily routine and plan to go somewhere.

While price might be a factor, you can enjoy an adventure on a budget. For instance, you can go for a ride to a new area and even spend the day at a state park. The trip is just the cost of gas.

If you’d like something indoors, Groupon offers a number of coupons for admission to various places. Some places have reasonable entry prices in general, like the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

If you’d prefer to go beyond a staycation, you can limit your expenses by comparison shopping with one of the many travel sites. A lot of times, you can find Air BnBs that are better priced than the average hotel.

Consider Testosterone Replacement Therapy

A magic age for hormone replacement therapy doesn’t exist. Some men may never need it because the hormone decrease is so gradual that they never experience symptoms.

However, for other men, hormone replacement therapy in Houston, TX, may be beneficial as early as their 30s when they start noticing symptoms. On average, though, men tend to need it after they reach 40.

FYI: some signs your testosterone is low include:

  • Depressed mood
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Reduction in armpit and pubic hair
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Trouble concentrating


Whether for people or animals, take some time to give back this year. You’ll feel better about yourself and have a sense of purpose. It’s even something you can put on your resume.

Not to mention, think about the humans or furry creatures that’ll benefit from your good deeds; you’ll be changing lives.

Find Time for Yourself

A 40-hour work week, children, a significant other, a home, and everything else life requires of you can stretch you every which way. But what happens when something can’t stretch anymore? It tears!

Figuratively speaking, you will as well if you don’t find time to focus on yourself and not let everyone else take your attention in every direction.

If you don’t know how to treat yourself, consider starting a new hobby, like learning to play a musical instrument, trying parkour to get the exercise you need, or building with wood. You could even take time to go for a walk or jog each day.

Something as simple as taking a shower or bath in peace could be enough to help you recharge after a long day.

Learn more here: What Is the Link Between Testosterone and Weight Gain in Men?

Make Scheduling a Visit With Dr. Shel a 2025 Priority

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Houston TXIf personal growth is a priority this year, you can broaden your horizons with a good book, lend a hand to your community, or make a difference in the lives of animals.

However, when your sites are set on improving your health and happiness, consider testosterone replacement therapy in Houston, TX – a way to improve your energy, help you continue to build muscle, and reignite your love life.

P.S. Nobody is saying you can’t do one, two, or even everything on this list to make your life the very best it’s ever been.

Maybe you’re unsure if you need hormone replacement therapy yet. In this case, we encourage you to schedule a consultation to know for certain. Even if you’re not quite ready, Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center offers other treatments that might be the boost you need; specifically, IV therapy can enhance your energy levels, assist with weight management, and more.

Dr. Shel and the team are a cut above the rest regarding wellness practices. Check out the reviews that say so.

Call us at (281) 609-4439 to book your appointment.

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