In Skin Care

Summertime is here, which means shorts, sandals, swimsuits and more…but with all of that also come the effects of the harsh sun on your skin. While sun exposure can offer little amounts of natural vitamin D, any prolonged exposure is putting your skin at risk of sun damage and aging. By taking proactive measures in preparing for and caring for your skin, you can not only protect your skin all summer long, but nourish it and care for it along the way, too.

Here are 5 easy ways you can protect and nourish your skin:

  1. Stay hydrated. With the warmer temps, hydration is key for not only your inner tissues and organs, but it’s also crucial to help keep your largest organ, your skin, healthy all summer long. Be sure to drink plenty of water or coconut water and incorporate hydrating foods into your diet. I like to add berries, cucumbers and melons to my water since all of these fruits have a high water content and can help encourage hydration, too. Hydrafacials, my favorite type of facial, helps to cleanse and hydrate the skin, and are an excellent way to restore moisture in your skin as well.
  2. Increase the fats – healthy fats, that is! Fish oil, olive oil and coconut oil all help bring hydration to the skin. Increase your EPA/DHA intake to at least 2,000 mg daily and try adding more olive and/or coconut oil to your cooking routine. You can also use coconut oil as an all-natural facial moisturizer!
  3. Protect your skin topically. Apply all-natural, chemical-free sunscreen under your makeup and anytime you’re exposed to direct sunlight. Also, remember to reapply every 2 hours. Elta MD Sunscreen provides serious UV protection without any fragrance or parabens. It also works to keep your skin hydrated while you’re out in the sun.
  4. Add hyaluronic acid. The combination of sun damage and aging can cause your skin to look dry, lose its youthfulness, and increase the appearance of sun spots and fine lines. Hyaluronic acid is an incredible addition to any skincare routine. Hyaluronic acid helps quench the skin cells, ramping up the moisture while also plumping your skin. It also works to keep every aspect of the skin stable and renewed, while revitalizing the skin’s outer layer. This results in a softer, smoother and radiantly hydrated appearance.
  5. Collagen, collagen, collagen! Collagen is important for your entire body. From skin and gut health to your heart and joints. In regards to your skin, collagen is what keeps our skin looking firm and smooth. Too much sunlight can damage the collagen in the skin, causing it to break down faster, in addition to it already declining as we age. Increased levels of collagen helps your skin cells renew and repair normally. This drastically improves your skin’s elasticity, moisture and roughness. In fact, collagen is one of the best natural skin care ingredients available.

There you have my top skin care secrets! Do you have a summer skin care secret that keeps your skin feeling hydrated and nourished? I encourage you to share it with us in the comments below.

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