In Wellness

We have officially made it halfway through our 12 Days of Wellness! How are you enjoying it? My hope is that you find one pearl of wisdom and apply it to your daily life so that you can start feeling and living your best life.

I am a firm believer that treating yourself is a part of practicing good health, and this can come in many different forms for each and every person.

Occasionally treating yourself to something you really enjoy is one way of finding balance in your life. It forces you to put everything else aside and take care of your body and ultimately, makes you think of you and only you.


Is this selfish? Not at all. After all, if you don’t take care of you….who will?

Here are some of my favorite ways to treat myself, destress and take care of my body so that I can be the best wife, mother, daughter, doctor and entrepreneur:

  • Take a hot bath
  • Sit in the sauna
  • Get a manicure and pedicure
  • Enjoy a facial
  • Get a deep tissue massage
  • Meditate
  • Read a good book

You’ve taken care of everyone else all year long. How will you treat yourself this holiday season? Tell me in the comments below.

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