In Wellness

My last and final day of the 12 Days of Wellness is all about focusing your energy. This may seem like something so trivial but during this time of gratitude and giving, I challenge you to focus on what’s really important right now and put all your energy into it.

It’s not about the gifts, the shopping or wrapping that perfect gift. It’s not about a gourmet meal or an expensive dress.

It’s about spending time with loved ones who mean more to us than anyone else in this world. It’s about making memories with friends and family to last a lifetime. It’s about laughs and love shared around the dinner table or fireplace.

This holiday season, find joy in all that you do. I challenge you to focus on the importance and true meaning of this time of year and remember all that is so incredibly important in this life. After all, it’s one of the best gifts you can give to anyone, including yourself.

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season with family and loved ones!

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