In Wellness

Happy Holidays! To help you stay health, well and balanced this holiday season, I’m bringing you the 12 Days of Wellness, where each day you’ll implement a simple healthy habit leading up to Christmas day.

I thought this might be a fun, yet practical way to help reduce stress, gain energy and improve your overall mood and sense of vitality during this sometimes hectic season.

On the First Day of Wellness…

Today, I challenge you to just breathe. If there is one thing that you can do today, right now, to feel less stressed and overwhelmed and more empowered it is to focus on your breathing.

I like to practice what I call ‘square breathing’:

  • Take a deep breath by inhaling for 4 seconds
  • Hold it for 4 seconds
  • Exhale 4 seconds
  • Hold for 4 seconds. This is what I call my square breathing technique. You want to fill your lungs up with air and let it all out. It may seem simple and silly but breathing is one of the absolute best ways you can physically release stress from your body and more importantly, your mind. Practice this at least three times each day to help handle stress.

This may seem so simple and silly but breathing is one of the quickest and best ways you can physically release stress from your body. More importantly, it also releases stress from your mind. In fact, this is one of my very own personal techniques I use daily when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

I encourage you to practice this three times each day to help you handle stressful situations and to reduce the amount of anxiety you may be feeling as the holidays grow closer and closer.


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