In Weight Loss

When you woke up on January 1, 2018, what did you resolve to do? If you’re like 90% of the country, you probably have set a goal that is centered around your health, such as losing weight, exercising, toning up, dropping inches, eating healthier, or even fitting into your favorite pair of jeans again.

The truth is…every year the #1 New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. This has been the case for decades and it still stands to be the top goal of just about everyone in the country, if not the world.

Unfortunately, so many people either don’t know where to begin, or worse go on a crash diet only to gain it all back and then some. Have you been there before? I certainly have.

Because health, fitness and weight loss in general is such a common goal in the New Year, and it is my hope to help each and every person possible achieve their goal, I have put together a medically-guided protocol and holistic approach to weight loss to help ignite your weight loss resolution. If your goal is to lose weight in 2018 I encourage you to chase that goal and take the proper steps to achieve it. 

In my Slim Down with Shel, I lay the proper foundation for you so that all you have to do is follow  it.

Step 1: Follow an eating program that works for you. Not every eating style or plan works for every person in the same way. Some people can follow a paleo or yeast-free style diet that allows them to drop inches in no time. For others, this isn’t the case. I encourage a clean diet that is a healthy combination of lean proteins, LOTS of fiber and nutrient-rich fruits and veggies, as well as healthy fats, such as nut butters, coconut oil and avocados. Keep it simple. While it may be fun to try new recipes, it also adds a layer of complexity to something that doesn’t have to be so complicated. A simple salad, with a serving of protein and variety vegetables is a perfect meal in my opinion. If you’re always on the go, a nutrient-dense protein shake is another great option. My Superfood Smoothie is my go-to breakfast each morning on my way to work. It’s quick and easy to make, plus it’s loaded with plant-based protein and nutrients to help keep me satisfied and fuel all morning long.

Step 2: Find an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle. As a busy mom, wife, physician and business owner, I wholeheartedly understand that not everyone can squeeze a full hour in at the gym every single day. Fortunately, there are many workout programs that can be done in the comfort of your own home without a fancy gym membership or equipment. Some do better in a group or class setting. If you’re that person, I encourage you to join a local boot camp or work with a personal trainer. Whatever workout you prefer, choose it and be consistent. You will be amazed at how exercising daily also motivates you to eat clean and stay focused on your fitness journey.

Step 3: IGNITE your healthy eating and exercise plan with a medically-guided and holistic approach to weight loss. Slim Down with Shel was created to help guide and support you throughout your weight loss journey. Coupled with a paleo-style eating plan and exercise, this simple combination of nutritional IV’s, Slim Shot injections and supplements work synergistically to promote energy, reduce cravings and boost your metabolism naturally.

Slim Down with Shel includes:

Plus, for a limited time I am offering you this weight loss program for nearly $200 off! Until January 14, 2018, Slim Down with Shel, which is typically valued at $789, is only $599!

I am a firm believer that summer bodies are made in the winter and right now is the prime time to start preparing your body for summer. Believe it or not, in just three short months from now you’ll be pulling out that swimsuit and will want to look and feel your absolute best.

Whether your hope is to lose 10 or 50 pounds, the Slim Down with Shel program was designed to support you the entire way through so that you can finally achieve your goal.

Call our office today to learn more and get started on Slim Down with Shel. 281-313-7435

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