Make Your Weight Loss Goal This New Year A Reality, Not Just A Passing Thought, With Medical Weight Loss From Dr. Shel.
You can’t turn on the TV, flip through a magazine, or browse Facebook shorts without catching a glimpse at a thin individual. And while they might not be flaunting it, it’s easy to get caught up in your own mind that you’re just not up to par.
Besides the endless confrontation of tight bodies, it doesn’t help if you have a little voice over your shoulder telling you that your blood pressure is too high. (Of course, that voice would be your doctor’s.)
These reasons are probably why the number one resolution every year is to lose weight. It’s been that way for decades, and it’ll probably be that way for decades more.
If you’re ready to set your aim at losing weight this year, make it a resolution that you can hold true to through medical weight loss from Dr. Shel.
Your New Year’s resolution doesn’t have to be a short-lived hope to be put to the back of your mind and not thought about until next year.
Why Weight Loss Is Such a Concern
Many of us are very well aware that we’ll never be a rail-thin model walking across the stage at the next Victoria’s Secret showcase. We hope that none of our patients ever step into our office thinking this is the only way to be beautiful because it’s just not in the cards for everybody due to genetics.
Before we’re ever born, the blueprint that makes us, well, us, determines our body size, satiety, metabolism, and fat distribution, among other factors. Possibly shocking to you, there are over 300 genes responsible – and possibly even more, only time and research will tell – for your shape/weight.
It’s about being more comfortable in the skin you’re in and being healthy. That may mean losing 10 pounds to fit into last year’s jeans, losing 20 to get rid of that post-baby pudge, or dropping a substantial amount of weight to help lower your blood pressure and combat any other weight-associated health concerns.
Moreover, heredity isn’t the only influence on your weight. Your thyroid might be a bit sluggish, or you might lead a lifestyle that isn’t conclusive to achieving a healthy weight. This is quite a common problem in today’s world where people don’t have the time to cook healthily and exercise enough to lose or maintain their weight.
And if you’re not seeing results, you might not have any incentive to stick with what you’re doing. Who wants to spend an hour at a gym if it’s not doing much good?
As you can see, striving for better or even to remain at the same weight isn’t easy, especially with all the temptations everywhere you look, from fast food restaurants to donuts in the grocery store.
Incorporate the Basics
Back to the genetics thing – not everybody responds to the same diet plan due to their genes. Ideally, though, strive for a meal plan high in lean proteins and nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.
Exchange unhealthy fats for more wholesome alternatives, such as nut butter and avocado, coconut, or olive oil. Your mind and body will thank you as your heart disease and Alzheimer’s risk decreases, digestion improves, and even your hair and skin look better.
Plus, it’s a more nutritious diet overall, which can contribute to maintaining your weight and even potentially losing some. Dr. Shel can help you figure out specifics with an expert-derived medical weight loss program customized to you.
Determine an exercise regimen that works for you, meaning one you enjoy, and that fits into your schedule. That may mean going to the gym for an hour per day for a class, working out in the comfort of your home by doing some cardio, or going for an evening walk.
Once you get started, you’ll notice how you’ll have more energy and be happier overall.
Consider Supplementation
Certain supplements are the little helping hands you need to optimize your weight loss. One of Dr. Shel’s go-tos is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – a pick-me-up for your metabolism.
This nutrient is an omega-6 fatty acid, and adding some extra increases your muscle mass and promotes fat loss simultaneously. With Dr. Shel’s option, you’ll benefit from another booster – a green tea extra that enhances CLA’s power.
CLA isn’t the only one; a dash of chromium might be what the doctor orders as well. It’s a prime ingredient in the special blend Dr. Shel recommends for weight loss. It works differently than CLA in the fact it helps regulate your blood sugar levels, which can prevent carb cravings. The benefits don’t stop there, either; it also promotes lean muscle mass.
Adding a sprinkle of Meratrim into the mix can help as well. This potent blend of plant extracts prevents fat from accumulating and enhances fat burning, acting as a double whammy on those unwanted adipose cells.
Capsimax could be Dr. Shel’s treatment of choice for you. This proprietary blend enhances your metabolism while reducing your appetite.
It may even be a push in the right direction for your exercise performance, and it comes from capsicum extract, which comes from peppers – nature’s wonder antioxidant-rich vegetable that amps up your immune system and stimulates metabolism.
Learn more here: Signs Your Weight Loss Journey Has Stalled: Weight Loss Clinic in Sugar Land, TX
Medical Weight Loss Solutions Are Available in Sugar Land, TX
If you’ve tried diet after diet without any luck and are willing to give it one more shot, one more chance to finally turn a resolution into more than just a passing glimmer of hope, reach out to Dr. Shel today.
Every medical weight loss plan given here is tailored to the unique needs of the patient, complete with a diet plan that ensures you receive all the nutrients you need but still promotes weight loss.
To further the results, supplements may be given to jumpstart your metabolism, balance your out-of-whack blood sugar, and raise your energy levels, among other benefits.
If you feel like that won’t be enough, consider our semaglutide weight loss. We’d like to note that this method isn’t for somebody who only wants to shed 10 pounds. It’s specifically for those who are overweight or obese and have one or more health conditions as a result.
No matter which option you choose to follow through on your resolution, Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center is known for it, weight loss that is. Just check out the stellar reviews from real patients.
Book an appointment today by calling (346) 534-6956 to get serious about your resolution with the help of a clinic known for its medical weight loss programs.