* results may vary based on a variety of factors
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy | Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center
Hormone imbalance is very common for both women and men of varying ages. This imbalance can occur throughout a person’s life when hormone levels tend to fluctuate such as: puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and andropause. The key to restoring these levels is by first properly diagnosing the imbalances that are present and then introducing all natural Bioidentical Hormones to replenish and balance the body.
What are Bioidentical Hormones?
Bioidentical Hormones are all natural and plant derived. They have the same chemical structure as the ones made in your body therefore, they are extremely safe and effective when properly prescribed and have many benefits for your overall health. Many common health and emotional symptoms can be directly related to hormonal imbalance. Once bioidentical hormones are introduced into the body many symptoms generally ease away and patients begin to feel a sense of herself or himself once again.
The Integrative Approach to Balancing Womens Hormones
Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Brain fog
- Decreased libido
- Weight gain
- Decreased muscle mass
- Low energy
- Sleep disturbance
The Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
The benefits of BHRT is experienced as a result of restoring our natural sense of well-being. By keeping the hormone foundation restored, we are supporting our immune system and reducing inflammation which can lead to health concerns and diseases. This has tremendous positive benefits on our brain, heart muscle, bones, and sleep. For men, as well as women, bioidentical hormone replacement helps maintain the mental and analytical edge while maintaining a healthy weight, cholesterol level and natural libido.
How Are Bio-Identical Hormones Administered?
There a several ways of administering bio-identical hormones, including injections, pellets, creams, and troches. We work with our patients to determine the best solution for your needs and lifestyle.
Pellets are made up of bio-identical hormones that have been pressed or fused into very small solid cylinders, and are about the size of a grain of rice. Pellets provide sustained hormone levels throughout the day and last for to 3 to 6 months. Pellets eliminate the fluctuations that can occur with other delivery methods. Pellets are not time released, but rather cardiac driven, meaning your body absorbs the pellets based on its actual needs. This delivery method most closely mimics the actions of the body’s natural hormone release. Pellets have been used since the 1930’s and have more data to support their use than any other method. Insertion is quick, and virtually painless. A small area between the hip and buttock is sterilized and local anesthetic is injected just under the skin. A tiny nick is made in the fatty area of the hip and the pellets are inserted under the skin. The incision is so tiny that there is no need for any sutures.
Injections usually involve a weekly injection either administered here in our office or self-administered by the patient at home. Injections tend to have a roller coaster affect, where you can experience an immediate peak after the shot followed by a slow decline towards the end of the cycle. Some may begin to feel run down towards the end of their cycle, and for others this is not an issue.
Creams can include a number of bio-identical hormones and are very customizable. When applied regularly, creams can provide a fairly consistent release of hormones. However, you need to remember to do this on a daily basis to maintain consistency. The biggest potential drawback to creams is the possibility of accidental transference. Applying the cream to areas of the body that won’t come into contact with others and proper hand washing can help prevent accidental transference.
Troches are small lozenges that dissolve between the cheek and gum over a period of about 30 minutes. As they dissolve, hormones are gradually absorbed into the blood stream. Troches are usually taken once or twice daily.
What to Expect *
Preliminary testing is done with either blood, saliva or both to determine hormone imbalances and is repeated every 3-6 months, depending upon physician recommendations. Once results are received, patients are seen by Dr. Shel to formulate a customized treatment plan to address specific areas that need improvement. For women, whether pre or post menopausal, hormone replacement will reduce the symptoms associated with menstrual cycles and menopause that can consume your life and state of well-being. Each and every patient is unique, therefore; it is difficult to determine how long it will take to notice results in each patient. Some patients notice results very quickly, within a week, while others may need additional time and monitoring before experiencing remarkable results.
“My friend had been telling me about going to see Dr Shel for a long time and after suffering with hot flashes, mood swings (and much more) for a few months I could not take it anymore. Dr Shel was so caring and thorough. She made sure all my prescriptions were precise and my hormones balanced. I feel like my old self again and I am sure my whole family thanks her! – J.S. *”
* results may vary based on a variety of factors
For more personalized information about Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Overview, please request your consultation, or call us at 281-609-4439.