Gut health is critical to your overall health. A healthy gut can help protect you against illness and disease, increases your metabolism and improve numerous other processes in your body. At the Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center we offer the most advanced testing available to more accurately identify the specific causes of your gastrointestinal issues.
We Offer The Following Tests
Gluten Genetic Testing Celiac
- This test is ideal for anyone who suspects they may have a sensitivity to Gluten.
- A positive result indicates a sensitivity to gluten. However, most people with positive genetic results don’t develop full Celiac disease. Celiac development is higher if you have a first degree relative with Celiac.
- 1 in 100 people in the US have Celiac.
- This test is conducted via cheek swab.
ELISA/ACT for Food & Environmental Sensitivities
- A highly comprehensive and accurate test that measures the sensitivity of foods, chemicals, molds, preservatives, additives, toxic minerals and metals.
- Greatly reduces the risk of “false positives” that you may get from less accurate tests.
- This test is conducted via blood draw.
Cyrex Labs for Gluten Reactivity & Specific Sensitivity Testing
- This test looks at cross reactive foods with gluten, wheat, gluten reactivity and mucosal gluten reactivity.
- This test is recommended for people who need more insight into the specifics of their gluten sensitivity.
- This test is conducted via a blood draw or saliva sample.
Genova Testing for Gastrointestinal Disorders
- This test is recommended for those with poor GI health including: IBS, immune disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and chronic constipation.
- This test evaluates anaerobes, parasites, adiposity (fat), absorption issues, inflammation and sensitivities.
- This test is conducted via a stool sample.
For more personalized information about Gut Health Testing, please request your consultation, or call us at 281-609-4439.