PRP for Hair Restoration Houston
PRP for Hair Restoration in greater Houston and Sugar Land, Texas
Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue, which greatly impacts the way you look and feel about yourself as a whole. Not only can hair loss take a toll on you physically, but it can also leave you feeling helpless and frustrated. While there are many other options, such as prescription drugs and surgical procedures, these options are expensive, carry the potential for unwanted side effects and do not treat the underlying cause.
How PRP for Hair Restoration Works
Platelet-Rich Protein (PRP) for Hair Restoration involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp. In doing this, PRP for hair regrowth:
- Increases blood supply to the follicle, stimulating growth
- Increases thickness
- Triggers the growth phase of each follicle
- Decreases hair loss
The PRP Hair Restoration Process
This quick procedure involves the collection and concentration of your body’s own platelets using a very easy three-step process:
Step 1: Using a special collection tube, your blood is drawn and placed into a centrifuge.
Step 2: After 10 minutes of centrifugation, the platelets are concentrated and drawn up into a syringe. These platelets contain healing growth factors that signal to your tissues to regenerate and multiply. Additionally, these growth factors and stem cells work together to reverse the hair follicle from shrinking in size while also jump-starting dormant hair follicles back into the growth phase.
Step 3: Once your platelets are extracted, using a small needle, the platelets are then injected strategically into your scalp in areas that need improvement.
Before and After Photos:
PRP for Hair Restoration Recovery
There is no down time or a long recovery process. You may take a warm shower the evening of your treatment. You should avoid harsh dyes or chemicals on your hair, such as gel or hairspray, for at least 48 hours.
Work alongside your physician for a proper diagnosis and to create a treatment plan that is customized for you.
The initial treatment protocol is 3 treatments one month apart followed by customized maintenance treatments 3-6 months apart.
Collecting the PRP (protein-rich plasma) usually only takes 10-15 minutes and the actual treatment is even faster. If often takes as little as 3-5 minutes.
There may be minor sensitivity. However, because we use cold ambient air, most patients do not experience much discomfort.
For more personalized information about PRP for Hair Restoration, please request your consultation, or call us at 281-609-4439.