In Health

All too often it is believed that beautiful radiant skin is only skin deep. Of course topical products and treatments are beneficial to your skin, however; it is equally important to take care of yourself on the inside as well so your skin will truly be a healthy picture of youthfulness, wellness and vitality. I will share my knowledge with you, just as I do with my patients in my practice, so…follow me over the next month to learn how to utilize my 4 Cornerstones of Skin Health to give you the skin you’ve always dreamt of.

Cornerstone I) Healthy Lifestyle and Supplementation

You can transform your skin as well as feel great by including the following in your routine:


Maintain the strength of your skin and reduce stress by combining cardio and strength exercise 3-5 times per week.


Keep your body and skin well hydrated by drinking plenty of water (this does not include coffee or tea). Most men need to consume 10 eight oz. glasses per day while women need 8 eight oz glasses per day.

Balanced Diet

Maintain a healthy and balanced diet by reducing fat, sugar, salt, carbohydrates, and alcohol. Limit yourself by incorporating these foods as 20% of your daily diet and avoid processed foods that can contain ingredients that you may be sensitive to such as: gluten, dairy, wheat, and yeast. The remaining 80% of your diet should consist of lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Stres Reduction

Incorporate yoga and meditation into your daily routine for at least 20 minutes to reduce stress and gain your glow on the inside and out.

Most Americans are deficient in vital vitamins and minerals due to poor diets and foods that have low nutritional levels therefore it is imperative to incorporate medical grade supplements into your diet to support your body’s functions along with improving skin quality. The following are proven in preventing the signs of aging as well as boosting immunity and restoring a healthy balance within your body.

Vitamin C

Prevents hyper pigmentation

Prevents fine lines/ wrinkles

Supports healthy collagen/ elastin production

Powerful Antioxidant

Prevention of skin cancers

Reduces damage caused by free-radicals

Vitamin A

Maintains/ repairs skin

Controls acne

Reduces fine lines/ wrinkles

Reduces psoriasis

Applied topically

Vitamin E

Reduces effects of sun exposure

Powerful antioxidant

Improves skin texture

Reduction of photo-damage


Aids with moisture retention (Niacin)

Anti-inflammatory (Niacin)

Skin lightener

Biotin important for healthy

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