This podcast is about walking you through many different perspectives on health conditions, symptoms, and solutions that can help you get from fatigued to fabulous. Dr. Shelena Lalji’s mission has always been to offer her patients and community the best of mental, physical and spiritual wellness. You can learn more about Dr. Shel and her wellness center (and schedule your telehealth appointment) at – we can support you no matter where you are in the world.

This podcast is a powerful and simple way to carry the wisdom of thought leaders from around the world in your pocket and continue to develop your own healing journey, every single day.
So let the Journey begin!


Heavy Metal Detox | Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC

Heavy Metal Detox | Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC

Today Dr. Shel speaks with Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC, an expert in detoxification and minerals. She is passionate about educating the public on the importance of long term detoxing considering our toxic world. She healed her own health issues through hair mineral analysis and developed a unique detox and supplement program, and wants to help others do the same.

Visit Wendy’s website here!

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Naturopathic Oncology | Dr. Heather Paulson

Naturopathic Oncology | Dr. Heather Paulson

Today, Dr. Shel speaks with Dr. Heather Paulson, a board-certified Naturopathic Oncologist, Teacher, Best Selling Author, and Speaker. Today they talk all about naturopathic oncology and how to take advantage of your body’s natural healing modalities to fight off inflammation, chronic illness, and cancer.

Stay tuned for Dr. Paulson’s program: Naturally Better with Chemo, coming early 2021!

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Breast Cancer Conqueror | Dr. Véronique Desaulniers

Breast Cancer Conqueror | Dr. Véronique Desaulniers

Today, Dr. Shel interviews Dr. V, a two-time breast-cancer survivor, the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror, the 7 Essentials System®, and co-founder of My Breast Friend™. Her mission is to inspire women to be proactive with their breast health and to help them make informed decisions. Today they discuss all of her game-changing breast cancer programs.

Sign up for Dr. V’s Program, My Breast Friend, here!

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Detoxification with Olive Oil | Tony Kasandrinos

Detoxification with Olive Oil | Tony Kasandrinos

Today Dr. Shel speaks with Tony Kasandrinos, founder and CEO of Kasandrinos Olive Oil. Today we discuss the different kinds of olive oil, its detoxification properties, unconventional uses, and what makes Kasandrinos Olive Oil so special.

Get a special deal on Kasandrinos Olive Oil here!

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Stress, Adrenals, and an Overwhelmed Planet | Marcelle Pick, NP

Stress, Adrenals, and an Overwhelmed Planet | Marcelle Pick, NP

Today Dr. Shel speaks with Marcelle Pick, an OB/GYN NP who is passionate about transforming the way women experience healthcare through an integrative approach. We touch on topics from adrenal function, hormone levels, historical stress, and nutrition as a healing modality.

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Integrative Mental Health | Dr. Hyla Cass

Integrative Mental Health | Dr. Hyla Cass

Today Dr. Shel and Dr. Cass discuss the mental health crisis, dangers of prescriptions, and our hormones in regards to mental health. Most importantly: Learn some of the most important things someone might do to begin – or hit restart – on their mental health journey.

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Functional Prostate Health | Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP, CNS

Functional Prostate Health | Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP, CNS

Are you or do you know a man over 40? Then you HAVE to listen to this! On this episode of Get Well with Dr. Shel, Dr. Shelena Lalji talks with Dr. Geo Espinosa, ND, LAc, IFMCP, CNS, clinical assistant professor of integrative and functional urology at New York University and author of Thrive—Don’t Survive: Dr. Geo’s Guide to Living Your Best Life Before & After Prostate Cancer.

Visit Dr. Geo’s website to sign up for free information.

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Challenges of Self-Care & Boosting Mom’s Immunity | Madiha Saeed, MD

Challenges of Self-Care & Boosting Mom’s Immunity | Madiha Saeed, MD

Only when we take care of our immune system, will it take care of us.

On this episode of Get Well with Dr. Shel, Dr. Shelena Lalji talks with Dr. Madiha Saaed, THE Holistic Mom, MD! She is the author of Amazon bestseller “The Holistic Rx: Your Guide to Healing Chronic Inflammation and Disease” and the brand-new holistic children’s book, “Adam’s Healing Adventures”.

Get a copy of her new book here!

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IBS & the Power of Castor Oil | Marisol Teijero, ND, BA

IBS & the Power of Castor Oil | Marisol Teijero, ND, BA

Honor your food, love the life you live, and beyond everything – be grateful in your daily grind.

On this episode of Get Well with Dr. Shel, Dr. Shelena Lalji talks with Dr. Marisol Teijero, a naturopathic doctor, about IBS, the wonderful uses of castor oil, and having F.A.I.T.H.

Buy Dr. Marisol’s Castor Oil pack here!

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Treating & Beating Fibromyalgia | Rodger Murphree, DC

Treating & Beating Fibromyalgia | Rodger Murphree, DC

It’s not about learning to live with fibromyalgia…we’ve got to get the message out there that you can feel good again.

On this episode of Get Well with Dr. Shel, Dr. Shelena Lalji talks with Dr. Rodger Murphree, internationally recognized fibromyalgia expert. His “Murphree Method, ”a combination of functional and orthomolecular medicine, has helped thousands of people get healthy and feel good again.

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Reclaim Your Menopause | Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG

Reclaim Your Menopause | Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG

What we can do now matters for lifetimes.

On the inaugural episode of Get Well with Dr. Shel, Dr. Shelena Lalji talks with Dr. Anna Cabeca, fellow OB/GYN all about menopause, hormonal imbalances, and the importance of ditching toxicities, especially as we age.

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