Andropause Treatment is Available for Patients in Bellaire City, TX, at Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center

Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center offers andropause treatment to help men in Missouri City deal with the impact of aging. Andropause treatment helps men reduce or eliminate the effects of hormone changes to live a happier, healthier life.

As men age, they experience hormonal changes called andropause or “male menopause.” The change in hormone levels in men affects their physical, emotional, and mental well-being, which can influence their daily lives.

While aging is inevitable, you must not stop living your life. Dr. Shel offers a customized andropause treatment to ease the incapacitating changes caused by hormonal changes.

Are you feeling sluggish and unmotivated? It could be andropause, the male version of menopause. Get the personalized solution you need at our wellness center with andropause treatment tailored to your body’s unique needs.

Benefits of Men in Bellaire City from Andropause Treatment

Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center offers andropause treatment for men in Missouri City, TX, with hormonal imbalances.

The following are the benefits of andropause treatment:

Boosts energy levels

With andropause treatment, you can enjoy your life to the fullest in Bellaire City, TX, by balancing your testosterone levels, increasing your metabolism, and having more energy and endurance.

Increases libido for better sexual experiences

Andropause treatment increases sexual desire, assertiveness, and sexual desire. It can also help men with erectile dysfunction.

Improves physical strength and physique

By burning fat and building lean muscle mass, andropause treatment can improve your ability to lose weight quickly and improve muscle tone. Ultimately, this results in enhanced physical strength and physique.

Supports prostate health

Having balanced testosterone levels regulates prostaglandin production, which appears to keep prostate growth under control.

Decreases risk of cardiovascular diseases

Low testosterone levels have been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes in men. Andropause treatment may help improve heart health in men and reduce heart attacks and strokes.

Enhances cognitive function

Andropause treatment can improve concentration, increase mental clarity, and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

How Does Andropause Treatment Work for Men in Bellaire City, TX?

Dr. Shel’s andropause treatment balances testosterone levels to reverse the negative effects of hormone imbalances on men’s physical and mental well-being.

Andropause or “male menopause” refers to changes in men over 40 due to age-related testosterone decline. At around 20 years old, testosterone levels in men peak; thereafter, they decline steadily by 1.5% each year. As testosterone levels fall, many of the symptoms associated with andropause begin to manifest, such as fatigue, weight gain, and erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Shel and her team conduct hormone tests to obtain a complete picture of your overall health. From then, they will create a customized andropause treatment program depending on each patient’s needs.

Is Andropause Treatment for me?

The steady reduction of testosterone levels in men characterizes andropause. The following are some signs of low testosterone:

  • Loss of sex drive/inability to maintain
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Depressed mood
  • Aches and pains in the joints
  • Dry skin
  • Osteoporosis
  • Loss of weight
  • Absence or regression of secondary sexual characteristics, such as muscle development, deep voice, and hair distribution on the chest and face

You should schedule a hormone health consultation if you experience any of these symptoms.

At Dr. Shel’s clinic, we’re committed to providing our patients in Missouri City, TX, with safe and effective andropause treatment so they can rebalance their life.

What Men in Bellaire City, TX, Can Expect After Andropause Treatment?

Patients in Missouri City will be given a thorough consultation in our clinic regarding your concerns and needs. We will carefully review your medical history before the procedure to determine if andropause treatment suits your needs.

A preliminary test can be performed via blood, saliva, or both to determine hormone imbalances. This is repeated every 3 to 6 months, depending on the physician’s recommendation. Dr. Shel formulates a personalized andropause treatment plan after receiving results to address specific areas that need improvement.

Considering that every patient is unique, it is difficult to say how long it will take them to notice the results. In some cases, patients see remarkable results within a week, while others may need additional time and monitoring.

Improve Your Quality of Life in Bellaire City, TX, with Andropause Treatment

You don’t have to suffer from “male menopause.” Experience the difference natural hormone restoration can make in your life today in Missouri City, TX, with safe and effective andropause treatment.

Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center has served the greater Houston area for over 13 years. Dr. Shelena C. Lalji is a board-certified functional medicine physician practicing aesthetics and wellness full-time. Dr. Shel believes in the strong connection between the art of beauty and the science of wellness and is committed to empowering her patients to be their best selves.

Contact Dr. Shel today at 281-609-4439 to learn more.

Andropause Treatment - Bellaire City, TX

Common Questions About Andropause Treatment in Bellaire City, TX

As men age, they begin to experience andropause (or male menopause) due to low levels of male hormones. Symptoms of low testosterone include hair loss, a declining sex drive, weight gain, and fatigue.

Testosterone levels in men typically reach concerning levels after age 40. Various factors contribute to the decline in testosterone levels, including obesity, nutritional deficiencies, and exposure to pesticides, fertilizers, and estrogen-mimicking compounds. Due to this, low testosterone has become evident sooner and more dramatically in men.

While the symptoms of andropause vary from person to person, the most common ones are low sex drive, difficulty getting and maintaining erections, lack of energy, depression, loss of strength, and increased body fat in men. You can reverse the symptoms and signs associated with andropause treatment.

Definitely, yes! Andropause treatment is generally safe when administered in the correct dosage and monitored by a physician.

Andropause treatment combats the signs and symptoms of andropause. Andropause treatment involves replacing testosterone levels in the blood. Exercise, reducing stress levels, and eating healthy can also help improve your health during andropause.

Every patient is different so each andropause treatment plan may vary depending on the patient’s medical history, needs, and goals. Generally, patients report improved overall health and well-being after a few months of treatment. Although results do not occur instantly, they are beneficial over time.

Several external factors, including illness, medications, psychological state, obesity, exercise, and lifestyle (smoking and excessive alcohol consumption), affect testosterone production. Low testosterone levels can also be caused by reduced activity, nutritional deficiency, diabetes, and growth hormone deficiency.

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