In Health, Hormone Imbalance, Nutrition

wellnessEach and every day you make critical decisions that affect your life – about what you will eat, your social options, your exercise schedule and your work. Hopefully, you are able to fit all of these important things into your life with ease – including your family and friends.

Taking time to think about your life and how your daily choices are impacting it is necessary and it is good. Feeling in control of some parts of your life is also good and may be why you are committed to living a healthy lifestyle. Watching your amazing body respond to diet and exercise is awe inspiring. You only get this body, this one body, and you are its master and commander.

Of course, your diet is foremost. Empty calories and junk food – while tempting – do nothing but counteract all of the healthy things you eat. Of course, nobody is perfect. And it is ok to “eat-cheat” once in a while. But as the old adage says, “You are what you eat.” If that is true, don’t be a sugar donut. Additionally, the discipline involved in keeping up with an exercise schedule is directly transferable to the rest of your life. Procrastinating your workout is simply sabotage.

Dr. Shel is here to help you and discuss your healthy goals with you. She employs a wholesome and holistic approach to diet and health and is committed to “inner and outer wellness.” Everybody is different; everybody is unique. But there are tried and true methods and protocols – that work.

Whether you are looking for diet or hormone advice, or desire a body-changing cosmetic procedure or wrinkle treatment, don’t wait. Call to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Shel, today. You and your body are worth it: 281-698-7435.

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