In Women's Health, Men's Health

Combat Cognitive Decline and Remain As Mentally Sharp As You Can With Bioidentical Hormone Therapy In Houston, TX, (And A Few Tips)

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Houston TXAs you age, some parts of your brain strengthen while others weaken. However, with that said, everyone experiences some decline in thinking and memory skills as they age.

While this sounds quite disheartening, you can take steps to fight the deterioration and remain as alert and nimble-minded as you possibly can.

For one, and we can’t stress this enough — bioidentical hormone therapy in Houston, TX, is a way to preserve your memory and thinking skills. But there are steps you can take as well to optimize your brain health so you remain ‘on your toes’ for some time to come.

Stave off mental decline as you age to feel younger and maintain that wit and mental acuity you currently have.

  1. Exercise Your Mind

    Exercise your mind as much as you can each week to form new neural connections and possibly add to your intellectual capacity. Your brain will then be able to adjust to age-related changes better, such as the shrinking of certain areas, a decrease in blood flow to the organ, and a reduction in nerve communication, among others.

    So, “How can you exercise your mind?” you ask.

    Well, you’d look quite silly doing a headstand on your treadmill. But some effective exercises that would really work your mind include:

    • Crosswords
    • Sudoku
    • Leisurely reading
    • Jigsaw puzzles
    • Card games
    • Partaking in a new hobby

  2. Get Enough Physical Activity

    You hear about ALL the benefits of exercise, such as reducing your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer, hypertension, and type II diabetes. But physical activity’s benefits extend beyond that, well, more upwards to your brain.

    Exercise’s effects on the heart will spill over to the brain, literally. Blood will flow better to the brain when your cardiovascular system functions optimally.

    And you know what this means for your brain?

    It’ll receive all those much-needed vitamins, minerals, and oxygen it needs to thrive, ultimately warding off degeneration and impairment while optimizing brain function.

    The benefits don’t end there, either! We’re serious! Physical activity is a brain booster in various ways, including:

    • Reducing brain inflammation
    • Lowering stress hormone levels
    • Regulating mood and reducing anxiety
    • Promoting new brain cell growth

  3. Attain Enough Sleep

    Your body requires adequate sleep to refresh your brain. Think of it as a soft reset for your mind.

    While you’re sleeping and letting your mind and body rest, a number of processes are going on inside to get your mind and body ready for another day, such as the neurons shifting gears and entering their sleep state. Rather than being actively involved in sensory perception, motor control, and other similar processes, these neurons restore bodily functions and consolidate memories at this time.

    Several processes occur while you’re sleeping that help remove toxins in the brain, which can have a positive impact on preventing dementia and reducing general cognitive decline.

    Not to mention, nerve cells reorganize while the body repairs brain cells and renews its energy supply, all of which facilitate brain health.

    On a short-term basis, not getting enough sleep can cause brain fog, trouble speaking (i.e., slurring words and struggling to find the right ones to say), difficulty problem-solving, decreased concentration, and problems paying attention. You’re also more likely to make mistakes when you don’t get enough sleep.

    So, instead of staying up past midnight, hit the hay a little earlier each night for better brain function today, tomorrow, and years from now.

  4. Feed Your Stomach Right to Fuel Your Mind

    The nutrition you take in, or lack thereof, affects your cognitive ability. Your brain needs various vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to function properly and prevent degradation. Some neural-enhancing foods include the following:

      • Blueberries, broccoli, and oranges because they’re rich in antioxidants
      • Fish, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids
      • Eggs – a good source of B vitamins
      • Whole grain foods loaded with vitamin E and fiber
      • Seeds and nuts that contain high amounts of vitamin E


    And if you already drink coffee, you’ll be happy to know you’re doing wonders for your brain. Caffeinated coffee stimulates your mind and improves your focus. It can also impact mood, attention, learning, and reaction time.

    Other braining-boosting foods are as follows:

    • Dark chocolate
    • Avocadoes
    • Red wine (in moderation)
    • Olive oil
    • Soy and soy-based products

  5. Watch Your Alcohol Consumption

    If you enjoy a glass of wine after a long day of work every now and then, you’re helping your brain with its antioxidant content.

    However, too much of a good thing is bad, very bad.

    One study conducted on heavy drinkers (including women who drank three drinks per day or seven per week) increased their risk of Alzheimer’s by 22 percent compared to non-drinkers.

  6. Opt for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Houston, TX

    As you age, your progesterone and estrogen levels will inevitably wane. It’s just a fact of life. Once those hormone levels begin to decrease, you may expect mood swings and hot flashes.

    But, as these chemical messenger levels fall, you might also have difficulty concentrating and memory issues.

    With hormone replacement therapy in Houston, TX, you can ease your symptoms. You’ll enhance your blood flow by improving blood vessel health, increasing healthy cholesterol levels, and decreasing your blood pressure, among other mechanisms of action of hormone therapy.

    This results in more blood flow to the brain and helps to prevent memory loss and dementia progression.

Learn more here: How Hormone Therapy for Women in Sugar Land, TX Impact Mood & Emotional Health?

Visiting Dr. Shel for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Houston, TX

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Houston TXAt Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center, our physician is dedicated to helping women age with grace and minimal ill effects.

Besides our cosmetic treatments, we offer bioidentical hormone therapy in Houston, TX, to combat many of the unpleasant signs of aging, such as cognitive decline.

And even if you feel it’s a bit too early for this treatment, we can provide peptide therapy that may help slow mental degeneration by reducing brain inflammation, preventing oxidative stress, and improving blood flow.

Schedule your appointment today to discuss the best way to fight memory issues and mental deterioration. Call us at (281) 313-7435.

See the reviews from our patients who received bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Houston, TX Click here!

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