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Discover Ways Like Semaglutide Weight Loss In Houston, TX, To Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals This Year!

Semaglutide Weight Loss Houston TXIf you’ve set the goal to lose 5, 10, or even 50 pounds or more at the beginning of the year, you aren’t alone. Forbes revealed over 30 percent of people make the New Year’s resolution to shed pounds.

Whether you’re trying to work off those holiday pounds or have had enough of the toll extra weight is having on you, the beginning of the year is a wonderful time to set your sights on getting the body you want.

You have an entire year, 365 days, to get that dream bod. Depending on the amount of weight loss you have your heart set on, you even have a number of options to help you in the process.

For those who are looking for more significant results, semaglutide weight loss in Houston, TX, may be the solution, but that’s not the only option you have.

Losing weight can be easier than you thought, even if you’ve tried a number of methods in the past.

  • Eat the Rainbow

    We’re not trying to snatch the Skittle’s slogan, and we don’t recommend tasting that rainbow too many times if you’re trying for weight loss. Did you know one of those fun-size bags (you know, the tiny ones that people usually give out for trick or treat) contains a whopping 60 calories?

    When we say eat the rainbow, we mean eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables of all colors.

    These foods are nutrient-dense, often low in calories, and high in fiber. And if you have a bit of a sweet tooth, an apple or watermelon is a healthy solution to satisfy your craving, especially compared to the alternatives.

    Some excellent foods to include in a colorful diet include:

    • Avocados
    • Berries
    • Apples
    • Peaches
    • Spinach
    • Peppers
    • Cucumbers

  • Look Toward Options You Can Incorporate Long Term

    For some, it’s possible to lose weight quickly by lowering their caloric intake significantly. And yes, sometimes, it could even work to get you bikini ready for your winter getaway to that spa retreat at the end of the month. However, this isn’t healthy, nor will the results stick.

    Think of the story about the hare and turtle… slow and steady won the race, right? Well, that’s how weight loss works. You’ll ultimately slim down and remain that way when you choose sustainable weight loss methods, like regulating your portions, minimizing eating foods high in processed sugar, exercising religiously, and more.

    Whenever you cut your caloric intake tremendously, you can’t keep it up. You wind up having cravings and feeling hungry. Your body ends up in survival mode, complete with your system spragging the brakes on your metabolism, as a way to conserve energy so any weight loss happens slowly.

    Losing your muscle mass is yet another deficit of aggressive calorie-cutting whenever you’re striving to lower your weight. What happens is your muscle tissue is metabolically active – meaning the muscles burn energy, and even at rest, mind you. As a result, you’re then burning fewer calories.

    Not to mention, drastic calorie restrictions alter the hormones that control appetite—including leptin and ghrelin—and may contribute to nutrient deficiencies that cause fatigue and could affect metabolism.

  • Limit Sugary Beverages

    While calorie counting shouldn’t be a top priority, you might be taking in way more than you ever thought because of the beverages you consume.

    A medium latte is, on average, an astonishing 190 calories without any of the syrups or extras. And one cup of lemonade is around 99 calories, depending on the sugar content. So, if you’re drinking several of these sweet-laden drinks, you could easily be consuming 400 calories or more, and that’s in addition to what you’re eating.

    Therefore, make it a point to start limiting your sugar consumption by switching to water as your beverage of choice most of the time.

  • Start Getting Some Exercise

    You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to reap the reward of physical activity. Nor do you have to jog for 2+ hours a day to feel the burn.

    This is another case of slow and steady wins the race. If you’re pushing yourself too much, you may feel tired and sore and require time to recoup the following day(s). That’s more time out of the “game,” which equates to less exercise.

    Instead, start slow and go for 15-minute walks (or however long you can handle) and gradually increase your time. We’d like to note if you’re worried that’s just not enough to make a difference, it will. You can make exercise a regular part of your life this way.

    And, fun fact – a heavier person burns more calories walking than a smaller person does. The science behind this? A heavier person has more to overcome in terms of gravity. Plus, muscles work harder when you’re heavier.

  • Look Into Semaglutide

    While these tips can be beneficial, they may not be the best approach if you’ve tried all these and possibly more without luck.

    If you’re at a standstill, overweight or obese, and have one or more weight-related health conditions, you may qualify for semaglutide weight loss in Houston, TX—a revolutionary solution that has helped millions since it crossed the line from a diabetes drug to a weight loss miracle in 2021. We’ve even witnessed firsthand its power.

    To give you an indication of the results, one study conducted on 2,000 adults showed that about half of the participants lost 15 percent of their body weight, while about 33 percent lost 20 percent after 68 weeks of treatment.

    The individuals who didn’t take semaglutide but made lifestyle changes only lost around 2.4 percent of their weight.

Learn more here: Medical Weight Loss in Houston, TX: How Does Semaglutide Work?

Do Something About Your Resolution This Year with Semaglutide Weight Loss

Semaglutide Weight Loss Houston TXIt doesn’t matter whether you’ve made resolutions to drop pounds in the past or not. This year, make it a point to reach your goals.

Becoming more active, adding nutrient-rich foods, and watching what you eat might be all you need to achieve your desired level of weight loss. But, when these measures aren’t enough, semaglutide weight loss in Houston, TX, might be the answer.

Maybe you merely want to tighten up a bit—nothing major. We offer Emsculpt Neo, which tones and tightens problematic areas, such as your abs and buttocks.

If you’re sold on trying semaglutide weight loss or want to discuss any of our other weight loss or sculpting treatments, reach out to Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center—just look at how well we rank. Read our reviews click here.

Ready? Call (346) 534-6956 to book an appointment and turn your resolution into an achievement!

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