In Men's Health

Put the Passion and That Spark Back in Your Love Life With the P-Shot in Sugar Land, TX.

P-Shot Sugar Land TXYou don’t have to accept defeat and a relationship without physical intimacy. If the magic of your love life has all but vanished, there’s hope for many more rousing romps in the sheets.

At Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center, we provide the P-shot in Sugar Land, TX, to men looking to turn up the volume on their sex lives.

Improve your sex life in multiple ways by receiving a revolutionary treatment that might be able to stretch your stature (if you know what we mean) and make better sex more easily reachable.




Elevate Your Performance with the P-Shot

  • Boost Your Confidence In and Out of the Bedroom

    Throughout time and among different cultures, a larger package meant you held more power and had more strength. You might have been considered more masculine. In fact, dating back to ancient Greek times, a big member meant you were more desirable; it was a status of strength and virility. And when you think about it, this makes sense.

    Since the dawn of time, humans had the desire to procreate, pass on their genes, and carry on their legacy. We’ll spare you the biology lesson (You’re welcome).

    That’s why it’s not a shock that enlarging your penis will stroke your ego (Pun not intended). We’d like to note that there isn’t an average amount of penis size that the P-shot will add in length or width. Some men see more significant results than others.

    Despite the possibility of a bigger joystick, the real claim to fame for your confidence is its ability to strengthen weak erections and increase your stamina. The Priapus shot does all of this by increasing blood flow and encouraging tissue regeneration.

    As you feel better about the size of your magic wand and your sexual performance, you’ll have more confidence that you’re pleasing your partner. Even when you’re fully dressed, you’ll carry this self-assurance with you.

  • Receive More Sexual Satisfaction

    Whether you’re looking to amp up those “oh my” moments or want to be ready to be put in the game more often, getting the P-shot in Sugar Land, TX, can help.

    While the “P” stands for the Priapus Shot after the Greek god of fertility, you might be 100% convinced it stands for penis or pleasure after you see the results. You’ll notice a difference over the first few weeks to months that’ll possibly last for a year or longer.

    Do you know what happens when you have more sexual satisfaction? You feel better overall. Sexual pleasure may release endorphins, which are “feel-good” hormones that can boost your mood while easing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    While there’s no secret number of times you need to be having sex, the increasing frequency can have health benefits. You’ll be keeping your heart in better condition, particularly reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Not to mention, you’ll be sleeping like a log after your body releases oxytocin and other hormones during sexual intercourse.

  • Keep Your Partner Happy

    You don’t want to be accused of being a selfish lover, and with the Priapus shot, you won’t be. With more to offer, including frequency and stamina, your partner will be just as happy as you.

    And when you have a satisfied lover, it’ll bring you both physically and mentally closer. Your partner will feel more connected with you and valued.

  • Get a Harder Erection

    You’ve probably heard the expression, “Work smarter, not harder.” Well, we like to tell our patients to “Get harder, easier.” While stimulation and “positive” thoughts might get your motor running, receiving the Priapus shot essentially makes the process easier, giving you a boost in blood flow. With more blood flow comes a stronger erection.

    That harder erection means better sex for you and your significant other. You’ll have more sensation and be more in control over ejaculation, allowing you to last longer for you and your partner.

  • Help With Your Peyronie’s Disease

    Some studies have shown an improvement in patients with Peyronie’s, which commonly causes pain during erection. Depending on the curvature’s severity, you may feel self-conscious about having the disease. Ultimately, you may increase your penis’ shape and function through the shot.

    This particular condition stems from scar tissue building up and causing the penis to curve. The injection assists in breaking up that scar tissue. Because it has platelets that stimulate tissue regeneration, it may decrease the scar tissue’s rigidity and stiffness, which will cause your penis to be straighter.

Learn more here: Testosterone Therapy for Men: Does it Reverse Aging?

Let Us Improve Your Love-Making Sessions with Priapus Shot in Sugar Land, TX

P-Shot Sugar Land TXAs instinctual sexual beings, humans are hard-wired to want sexual relations. This means when one partner falls short, it can put a strain on a relationship from an emotional standpoint, as one partner feels less desirable.

With so much talk about sex on TV and everywhere else, it just seems like everyone is doing the deed constantly, putting even more pressure on the situation.

Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center would like to offer you the P-shot in Sugar Land, TX, to get your groove back and put some spice in your love life. No major adverse effects have been reported, and those who do experience any effects tend only to have mild and/or temporary ones. So, what are you waiting for?

Besides the Priapus shot, we also offer Shockwave Therapy for ED, and male hormone replacement therapy if a lack of testosterone is contributing to your not-so-steamy love life.

Curious about our reputation? Check out what real patients are saying click here.

Schedule your appointment today and reignite your passion. We’re available by calling 281-609-4439.

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